[30] An Awkward Graduation

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Tim had to wear that back brace for a week and stay away from his lab for almost the whole month. As the final exams had started, he too had to focus on his studies rather than spending time in experimentation.

Steph and Tim would often be found studying together and Bruce was finally relieved that Tim was going to be alright and would not cause him any further trouble. On the other hand, Bruce had decided to bring the issue of providing a psychiatrist for Arkham to the notice of the city council. He knew it would be a tardy process but he wanted to try his level best.

Days passed and the exams got over as well. It was finally time for Steph's batch to graduate from high school and as Tim had privately given his exams but registered under the same batch in Gotham High, he too was invited for the graduation ceremony.

He was nervous as he stood in front of the mirror, trying to get his hedgehog of curls to tame down. He really should have gotten a haircut, he thought, leaving the brush and hoping the graduation cap would cover it up.

However, the door to his room opened and Steph entered.

"Hey, we have to leave... Wait..." Her voice trailed off seeing him, "Tim, you're not going like that!"

"Yes I am," he replied, "can't do anything now."

She shook her head, pulling up a chair and making him sit down, "sometimes I really feel like you're a child and I have to baby you all the time."

"I never ask you to."

"Sit still," she knew she had to work fast but the curls were all messed up, "it's a good thing you washed your hair at least."

"What do you take me for? Of course, I had to wash my hair, brushing it out on the other hand is a far greater hassle."

"Timothy, the only thing that can save your hair right now is magic so wait here, I will be right back," Steph had to give up as there was no way she could disentangle all those curls in such a short time.

They were supposed to reach high school within the next twenty minutes and seeing Tim's hair, it looked like it would take him more than an hour to get groomed.

But when she had said his hair could only be saved by magic, she had actually meant it. Because shortly after she returned with Alfred who was holding a pair of scissors, hairspray, and a variety of combs.

"Master Timothy, you always put something off at the very last minute."

"Sorry," Tim replied as Alfred got to work styling his hair from a messy bird's nest to something manageable.

Alfred worked his magic and in a short while, Tim's hair were out of all those messy curls and styled in a way neither of them had expected. Since Tim's hair were long but always messy and bounced up, Alfred hadn't cut off the length, instead, he put them in a man bun and cut bangs from the front.

The result was both striking and adorable. The bangs rendered a softness to his otherwise gaunt face and the look suited him.

"Oh my God... Alfred, you really are magic personified," Steph breathed, "how did you do it?"

"I believe both of you are getting late and explaining the process will not help in any way whatsoever," Alfred remarked with a soft smile.

"Thanks, Alf," Tim smiled, "I really like this cut."

"You look way more dashing than you actually are," Steph teased, taking his arm as she took him downstairs, "so merely thanks wouldn't suffice."

"Wait, so I am not dashing normally? How could you, Stephie, you just broke my heart!"

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