[31] Redemption

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After a lot of convincing and bringing Alfred on his side, Tim finally got permission to go to Arkham and visit Jonathan Crane.

By then, Arkham had received its own psychiatrist who worked only with those inmates who had expressed a will to be treated. At first, Crane had been the only person for Doctor Charlize Fischer to study and help but with time, she was starting to interact with more prisoners.

Tim's formula which was specifically created for Crane had also undergone a lot of reviewing until the drug was ready to be administered to the subject in minuscule doses for testing purposes. Tim hadn't directly been a part of the process due to Bruce's warning, but he had been in contact with Charlize and that day he was finally supposed to meet Crane and see if the medication was working just as he expected to or not.

Alfred dropped him off at Arkham and Jason was supposed to pick him up after he got free. Tim immediately noticed that the asylum was undergoing changes. For starters, Miguel was no longer at the reception desk instead his spot had been filled by what seemed to be an intern.

Looked like the issue of understaffing was being taken care of too.

"I am here to meet Doctor Fischer," he told the receptionist and gave his ID, "Timothy Drake."

He checked in with Doctor Fischer's schedule and gave him a pass, "you will find the office on the first floor."

"Yes I know, thank you." But before leaving, Tim asked, "also, do you know where I can find Miguel Hanson? He used to be the receptionist before you."

"Oh yes, Mister Hanson has been promoted to the managerial post. His office is on the first floor too, if you want to visit him, I can give you another pass."

"No, that's alright. I was just asking," Tim smiled, heading towards the stairs to go to the first floor.

It didn't take him long to reach the Head Psychiatrist's office, the one that belonged to Jonathan Crane back when he was working in Arkham. Currently, it was occupied by Charlize as she filled the post.

Reaching the door, he knocked first.

"Come in."

He pushed open the door and saw Charlize working on some files.

"Oh, Timothy, come in," she smiled, "take a seat."

He was supposed to meet with Charlize first and then see Jonathan Crane in one of the holding cells in Arkham. After a brief discussion with Charlize, she took him to the holding cells which were a line of white rooms, now used for holding therapy sessions with the inmates.

"How is he doing now?" Tim asked.

"Much better than before," she replied, "he has shown remarkable progress ever since he was put on medication."

"The one I came up with?"

"Yes. But we have to make sure it is given in very small doses so that the silence does not overwhelm him. He's slowly getting used to it."

"That's great."

They had reached those refunctioned therapy rooms so Charlize swiped her own pass through the door and they stepped in. She was supposed to monitor their meeting and stay there to make sure that nothing went out of hand.

Jonathan Crane was already in the room and seeing Charlize enter, he nodded in acknowledgment, thinking it would be just another therapy session. But as he saw the person accompanying her, he looked quite surprised.


"Hello Doctor Crane," he took the seat in front of him, seeing that he was still recovering from the disbelief of seeing him there, "how are you?"

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