[17] Uncle Supes And Family

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The much-awaited weekend arrived at last and the Kent family was supposed to reach Wayne Manor by evening. That was probably the only day that Tim hadn't gone to his laboratory and was instead hanging around Alfred and Steph to see what they were doing.

It was clear that he couldn't control his excitement as he couldn't wait for the Superfamily to show up. Of course, in the past few days, he had learned all he could about Kryptonians so that he would already have a clear understanding of them before meeting the Kents.

Although Bruce had told him that it had been years since Clark had been living on Earth so Tim would find him to be a lot human and shouldn't keep as much higher expectations of getting the chance to interview an alien. Still, Tim had his neverending questions on the ready and he was just as excited to meet the Supersons.

The clock struck half past six in the evening when their guests arrived. Bruce, Alfred, Richard, and Barbara were at the front to greet them while Tim and Steph along with Jason were standing at the back.

Jay was a bit apprehensive about meeting Clark because he did not yet know whether he knew of all the trouble he had caused as Red Hood. Steph was staying behind for Tim who seemed to have gone into an awestruck mode, watching their guests in fascination.

She did not know whether it was a good thing or bad that Tim had the same look on his face that he had whenever he was researching lethal chemicals. A look of pure wonder at how the things before him were real.

"Snap out of it," she whispered, "you will end up freaking them out."

"Can't help it," he mumbled, "they look so human... Wow. It's almost as if they were absolutely normal."

Steph and Jay exchanged a slightly worried glance. "Do you think this could be considered racist by intergalactic standards?"

Jason shrugged, "could be... Yo Tim, you know he has super hearing, right?"

"Oh Fu- Shoot." He quickly stopped himself in time before he would end up swearing and hid behind Jason instead, using him as a shield.

"Don't tell me you forgot about X-ray vision too."

He glowered at Steph but the moment was short-lived as Clark and Lois had come close to them. Tim could hear Jay and Steph greeting them and right next second, Steph pulled him out from behind Jason and introduced him to the family.

"And this is Tim, our youngest. He's a huge fan," Steph added, her eyes sparkling in mischief.

"Hey!" Tim was about to say something to contradict her but paused, looking at Superman in civilian form along with his wife Lois. "Um, I mean... Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Jason too controlled the urge to laugh at Tim's sudden change of expression from irritated to intimidated in a split second.

"How polite," Lois remarked with a gentle smile, "it's lovely to meet you too, Tim."

Tim's usually pale face had fired up with color at being addressed so nicely. He still found it absurd for people to be interested in meeting him or appreciate him so each time someone expressed that, it would make him confused.

Right then as well he seemed so shocked that he didn't even notice Clark shake hands with him and then introduce him to his sons.

"This is Connor and this is our youngest, Jon. I'm sure you guys will get along great with each other."

Tim managed a feeble smile but got startled as Connor shook his hand too. When it was Jonathan's turn, he stepped back but the little boy tackled him into a hug nevertheless.

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