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*Setting: A burning village. Bodies littered the streets. You are sitting on the stairs leading to the town hall*

"Excuse me, miss? May I ask, what happened here?"

You lift your head and see a man standing above her.

"We were attacked by a dark guild. I went into a blood rage and got rid of them but they succeeded in killing everyone." you state bluntly.

"What is your name?" The man asked

"Mei. Just Mei. I lost my last name when my brother was taken away from me by child hunters when I was very small." you replied.

"Come with me to Fairy Tail."

"Fairy Tail....the guild?" you ask curiously. The man nods in reply.

"Okay!" You smiled.

"Okay. It's settled. I'll finish this job and I'll return to Fairy Tail. The name is Gildarts by the way. There are lots of kids around your age in Fairy Tail so you won't be lonely..."

You just listen to him speaking, glad that you could have a family again.

That Lonely Melody: Jellal's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now