Three Jellals

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Jellal is laughing like a maniac. 

It doesn't suit him at all.

"At last! At long last, the time has come! This is the true form of the Tower of Heaven! An enormous lacrima! And the council's Etherion has provided it with tremendous magical energy! The R-system is now complete!"

"Y-you tricked me!"

Another figure appeared. It looked to be a clone of Jellal.

A copy. That's not a real person. Jellal doesn't have a twin and that person has no aura.

"You were adorable, Erza, Mei. Jellal couldn't harness his true strength... he was in serious danger, so fooling you was his only option."

"Siegrain." Erza said their name.

You looked at Jellal. He had a face of amusement. You raised your eyebrow when you heard his name. That was the name of Jellal's imaginary friend when you were kids.

Jellal shrugs his shoulders as if to say 'it was the first thing that came to mind'. You stifled a laugh. He pulls you over to him and uses a pocket knife to cut off your long hair until it is as short as his. He also rubs the make up off your face.

NOOOOO. MY HAIR! It took me ages to grow it out!

You glare at him while he just smiles. 

Now it looks as if there are three Jellal's in the room. Each of them wearing different clothes. Jellal takes it as his time to mess with her head and confuse her. This goes on for a good minute or two.

"You have it all wrong, Erza. We've been one person, plus Mei, from the very start!"

The clone merges with Jellal.

Then Jellal strikes at Erza. They fight for a while. 

Who am I supposed to help? Jellal, my only remaining family? Or Erza, a part of my guild. My new family?

Suddenly, Erza lets out a scream. There is a bind snake around her arms and neck. She drops her weapons.

"All I need to revive Zeref now is a living sacrifice."

Jellal pushes Erza into the lacrima. He turns around and you take it as your time to help her. You attempt to pull her out. You see Natsu from the corner of your eye helping you. You give him quick smile before putting Erza on the ground. Natsu and you have a conversation using only your eyes. Something quite difficult but you managed it none the less. It went like this:

You okay?

Yes. Jellal is my brother.

I noticed. What happened to your hair?

He cut it off to confuse Erza.

Ohh. Im going to beat him up. Is that okay? 

Go ahead. Just... Don't kill him...please.

You begin to meditate, focusing on the magic flowing through your body and into Erza's, completely unaware of your surroundings.

Erza wakes up to the sound of Natsu absolutely destroying the tower. Erza tries to get up but you push her back down and put a dome over her to protect her from the falling rubble.

Then Jellal prepares to use a spell against Natsu. The shadows start to bend towards the light. Erza breaks out of your dome and jumps in front of Natsu to protect him. But he continues the spell.

"Heavenly Body Spell: Altairis"

Time stops moving for a split second. Your eyes widen as you look at the scene before you.

Then it starts to move really quickly.

Erza braces for impact. 

I have to help them...

You move towards her at full speed.

I'm not going to make it...

A figure jumps in front of her before you can. 

I have to save them...

The spell gets dangerously close.

Just a little more...

You jump in front of them and cast a shield to protect them at the last second.

I made it...

The magic blast hits your shield directly but it stops anyone from being injured. Including that new figure... Simon, Erza's friend.

You were running low on magic for the shield. Then it shattered.

But I saved them, so its okay...

Everything stopped.

And all you could think about was how sweet sleep seemed to be in that moment.

The last thing you heard was your name...

And the look of guilt on your brothers face.

I'm sorry that I couldn't help you guys any more...

Please... forgive me...

The battle ended while you were knocked out. Jellal was defeated but his body was never found.

Mei, please wake up. We're worried about you. They finished rebuilding the guild. It's so amazing, I wish that you could see it.

Mei, it's been a week now. Everyone is really worried about you. We've started going on jobs already.

A month has passed... please wake up...

wake up...

Wake Up...


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