The Alliance

40 3 0

Good morning/afternoon/evening,

A longer-than-normal chapter because I forgot to update. Whoops.

I really want to add a love interest but you guys get to choose. Who should they be? Preferably male please but I don't mind.

If no one replies, I'm going to ask my brother, and he sucks at ideas. Or do a spin the wheel, and those are worse.

Anyways, Enjoy!



Many days later, you had finished mastering the magic. Although, you were now severely sleep-deprived and you had not been on a mission at all, you were running on the money you had saved over the past while.

Currently, it was 3 in the afternoon, and you were making your way to the guild hall. Your friends should have been back from their mission today and you would have joined them on their next one.

When you arrived, you saw there was a crowd and a floating diagram that had many dark guilds listed.

"What is this?" Lucy asks.

"I thought I would make a chart of all the dark guilds." Mirajane answers.

"Oh, I was the one who drew it." Reedus says.

"On second look, I'm surprised about how many there are."

"What brought this on?"

"It seems they've been a lot more active lately. So we need to strengthen our partnerships with our fellow guilds."


"What does the big circle represent?" Gray asks.

"Juvia knows. It's the Baram Alliance of dark guilds. The Balam Alliance consists of the Oración Seis, Tartaros and Grimoire Heart dark guilds. It is the ultimate force in the criminal world. Each one has several other guilds under direct control, which they use to create the criminal underworld running. Raven Tail, however, is an independent guild from them." Juvia answers.

"Huh?! Eisenwald? Isn't that...? " Lucy interrupts.

"Yes. The guild Erigor belonged to." Erza answers solemnly.

Eisenwald? Erigor? What and who is that? 

"So they were actually a subsidiary guild of the Oración Seis."

"I recognise a whole lot of the names."

"Some of these even used to be official guilds!"

"Even Ghoul Spirit was under these before the Thunder Legion destroyed them."

You sat down opposite Natsu and Happy, who were stuffing their faces with food. They had to take a double take upon seeing you because you just appeared out of no-where after being gone for so long. You smiled when you noticed this. 

Then the master appeared out of no-where and began to speak. You'd picked up on the arrival of his aura so you weren't too surprised. Everyone turned to look at him upon hearing his voice.

"About those 'Oración Seis'... we've been given the task of destroying them!"

"Wha?!" everyone says in unison.

"Welcome back master!" Mirajane smiles, as everyone falls and smacks their head on the floor in shock [except you and Mirajane obviously].

-----Time Skip-----

And that is how you found yourself taking a unnessesarily long carriage ride with the rest of Team Natsu. You ignored their talking, because you didnt think that it would be right to but in, and listened to music until you heard Happy shout.

"There it is! Our meeting spot!"

You look out of the carriage to see a huge building. It was pink and huge, like a mansion. When you all entered, it was dark inside. Then the lights popped on to reveal a large, empty hall. Your headphone's were still on so you didn't hear the rest of them talking until you picked up on some auras. 

Three people. All male. Ages between 15 and 25. Mages. Not hostile. They are most likely from Blue Pegasus so I should take of my headphones so I don't seem disrespectful...

You turn of the music and took they headphones off from your ears, letting them rest around your neck, just in time to see the unknown people's entrance.

"Yes! They have arrived!"


"Yes! Yes! Yes! Welcome!"







"We have been expecting you!"

"We... are the Blue Pegasus'... specially-selected members... The Trimens!"

"'Hundred Nights' Hibiki!"

"'Holy Night' Eve!"

"'Still Night' Ren!"

That was so obviously choreographed and practiced. That was still so stupid as well. I feel like I'm going to die of laughter. That was so stupid

You fought to keep a straight face. While Lucy fangirled over Hibiki, which you found ridiculous as well, Natsu and Gray were acting like idiots.

I mustn't laugh. I mustn't. I mustn't. I mustn't. 

The three males then proceeded to openly flirt with Erza and Lucy, which was the last straw for you and you burst out laughing. The boys didnt notice you so you considered yourself safe from their flirting. However, you managed to calm yourself down when you picked up on another aura. 

"All right, now... Give the girls a break."

"Wh-what is that sweet voice?!" Lucy asks.

"Sir Ichiya!" Ren names the unknown person.

So that's his name...

"I-Ichiya?" Erza questions with an obvious look of distaste.

"I have been a long time, Ms Erza." Ichiya greets

"I-I never imagined that you would be participating..." Erza stutters fearfully.

She must really hate this guy...

"I missed you, my honey. I live life for you." 

You burst out laughing once again. The horrific posing, the pet name and that you could now see why she hated him so much, getting to you.

The next set of events made it worse. Ichiya declaring that Erza has his girlfriend, the trimers believing the outrageous lie and the boys then proceeding to get in a fight. You were on the floor crying/dying of laughter at that point.

However, Ichiya getting up close and personal to Erza and sniffing her. That set you off.


Her face told you that she was going to hit him, so you did it for her. You punched him away from her and out of the front door. You dusted your hands and she gave you a nod of approval.

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