Heavenly Body Magic

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Should I go to the guild? Probably. Do I want to go? No. Do I make good decisions? No. So I'm going to go. If she's there, I'll apologise to Erza for yesterday too, so it won't be awkward when we go on a mission next time.

You then leave the house, locking the door behind you so nobody breaks in. [Lock your doors people!] You walk to the guild as normal before stopping at the door. 

The whole reason I joined the guild was to find my brother, and he's dead now. Why am I still in the guild then? Why don't I just leave? 

You walk into the building and sit down, by yourself, at the bar. You put your head on the table while you try to process your thoughts.

I feel useless. I have no goal to work towards. 

I have nothing to live for and I'm sure that everyone is thinking 'like brother, like sister'. 

I should think of a reason to live...

You order your brother's favourite 'thinking drink' as he called it.

"Mirajane? Can you get me some strawberry-flavoured water please?" [10/10. One of my favourite drinks. Try it, you might like it.]


I could always become a musician... but I don't really want to do that. Nothing sounds interesting. I wanted to join the council but that seems impossible after what Jellal did... they would be scared of letting me move up the ranks and I'm already sure that they probably would hate me in general.

The beverage is put on the table. 

"What are you thinking about?" she asks as you take a sip of the sweet drink.

"What to do with my life. Now that my brother is dead, I don't know what to do." you use the red and white paper straw to stir the drink for no reason.

"Well, your talented in music so you could become a musician."

"While I love music, I just don't think that I want to spend my whole life doing that. It would be more of a project than an ambition and once I complete it, I would be right back to the start."

"True, it would be quite simple for you..." she picks up the mug and rag and continues to dry the mug.

You sit in silence, thinking before Mirajane comes up with a genius idea.

"I don't mean to sound like I'm saying that you're weak, because you're not, but why don't you learn a new magic while you think of something?"

"That's a great idea!" I know exactly what I want to learn but I'm not sure...

"Do you have a magic in mind?" She asks.

"Yeah but I think it would be a bit insensitive to learn it even though I really want to."

"How is that?"

"I want to Heavenly Body Magic."

"Oh. Isn't that the magic that your brother used?"

"Yeah. I'm sure that Erza gets upset whenever she sees me so that would probably only add to her pain."

"You could always learn it but only use it as your secondary, emergency magic."

"And that is what I shall do. I will make him proud of me!" you yell unnecessarily loudly.

Mirajane laughs as you apologise to the poor people whose eardrums you burst. You quickly drink the rest of your drink, thank the bartender and pay. You run into the library in search of a book to help you. Upon entering, you see Levy reading at one of the desks.

"Hey there, Levy!"

"Oh, hi Mei! I haven't seen you here before, do you need help looking for something?"

"Oh, yes please. Do you...know where the books on learning magic are?"

"Sure! Follow me!" Levy chirps cheerfully, putting down her book and walking up to a large shelf the other side of the room. Some of the books looked like they hadn't been touched in years, but some of the others looked like they were used on a regular basis.

"Are you planning on learning another magic?" she asks.


"Cool. When you've found the book you want, you write your name down on the piece of paper over there to register that you're borrowing it. Then when you've finished reading it, you write your name down again."

"Got it. Thanks for the help, Levy!" you thank her as she returns to her reading.

Once she was out of sight, you start looking for a book to help you. You eventually find it eat the very back of a shelf, hidden from sight. 'A Guide to Heavenly Body Magic'.

Perfect! Now I can learn nii-san's magic! I have a reason to live...for a while.

You write your name down on the register and hide it under the other sheets so nobody would know what book you borrowed unless they looked for your name.

Fingers crossed that Erza doesn't notice that I borrowed this.

You quickly leave, attempting to go home to study the book as fast as possible. Your plan fails the minute you leave to library.

"Hey! Mei! Tell me, who's stronger, Me or Ice-princess over there."

Natsu. Please, just leave me alone for ONE MINUTE without disturbing me.

"Ummmm, you're both really strong. There is never a winner when the both of you fight, so you're equally strong."

"What you got there?" he asks as he attempts to take the book from you.

You dodge before answering. "A book. From the library."

"What's it about?" Gray asks, coming over.

"Something really boring. I highly doubt that you'd understand." You answer quickly heading towards the exit.

"Tell me about it."


"Sorry, I'm actually really busy at the moment. I'll tell you about it later, okay."

"Do you want any help?"

Go Awayyyyyy.

"No. I'm good. Bye!" You quickly leave the guild and go home.

Thank goodness.

She's hiding something.

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