Frying braincells for breakfast

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It's been a week since you tried to talk to Erza. Every time you brought it up, someone (*cough* Natsu *cough*) always interrupted you.
"Erza. We still need to talk about Jellal and I. I'm losing hope that you'll find out until it's right in your face." you say at lunch one day.
"Oh yeah...We haven't gotten around to it yet, have we?" she said, listening intently for my next words.
"Jellal is my-" you start for the millionth time this week.
"Hey! Erza! Mei! Gray! Come here! Lucy and I found us all the perfect job!" Natsu interrupts also for the millionth time this week, slamming the advert on the table.
"Find my kidnapped daughter. Was among many young women taken by a dark guild. Reward: 10,000,000 Jewels and 6 articles from my private archive." reads Lucy excitedly.
"10 million jewels!! That's...2 million each!" says Happy happily.
"Yay! New music scores!" you shout happily.
"We're taking this one Mirajane." says Erza to the silver haired girl drying mugs behind the counter. Erza then takes your hand and pulls you out of the guild.
"We'll meet at the train station in half an hour!" she shouts at the rest of the team.
"Erza. I forgot to say. I got you something." you say to the red-head who was literally dragging you to the dorms. She didn't say anything so you continued.
"Well I noticed you were carrying A LOT of luggage so I bought a few of these travel lacrima cases. You use them like a suitcase but they are really light and can be shrunk down to fit in your pocket!" you say.
"I've already packed them all and labelled them so now you only need one suitcase to store all of the lacrimas which I packed here too. I put the important stuff on top." you explain as she stared in awe at the size of the suitcase which was normal sized in your opinion.
"I got you something as well Mei. I noticed how you have loads of different concealers so I bought you a neverending tub of the stuff. Why do you use it?"
"It's to do with Jellal. As I was saying before I was interrupted multiple times...Jellal is my b-" you start for the 20 billionth time.
*Ring ring* *Ring ring*
"The alarms ringing. Are you finished packing?"
You nod in reply.
"Okay let's go!" she shouts, way too loudly in your opinion.
-----Time Skip-----
It's been another month since then and you still haven't been able to talk to Erza. You had given up hope that she'd ever find out until it was right in her face.
Currently, Lucy was telling everyone how she found out that Loke was actually Leo the Lion spirit. You'd known that for a while but kept it a secret. Sometimes you'd drop hints to him to let him know that you knew but he never told anyone who he was, so you didn't either.
You were going over a new score for the harp. It was quite simple but it would be disastrous if someone were to interrupt you because the phrasing was difficult.
Suddenly Lucy, who was currently being kidnapped by a certain celestial spirit, was screaming which unfortunately created dissonance and interrupted your playing.
You stand up, a murderous intent gleaming in your eyes. Everyone looked towards you.
"Who. The Fluffy Toffee Pancakes. Interrupted my playing." you asked, Requiping your harp for a pair of headphones.
You read the auras before finding Loke and Lucy's guilty ones.
"Lucy was the one who interrupted me...but it wasn't really her fault, was it Loke?" you ask viciously before running up to him jumping over his head and placing the headphones over his ears. You press the play button on the device you're holding. Nothing happens before he starts screaming and crying and begging you to turn it off.
"Twenty seconds of viola solo! My absolute favourite move for when people annoy me! Normally I give a minute but that's too cruel seeing that Lucy was the one who screamed." you say, giving her the side-eye. She notices and a shiver runs down her spine.
You take the headphones back. Loke is lying on the floor twitching.
The guild makes no move to help him or stop you because, in fairness, he was trying to kidnap one of their friends.
You return to practicing your piece on the harp.

Chapter Secrets:
1. Mei is at the same magic level (if not more than) as Erza.
2. Mei accidentally fried Loke's brain
3. She is now respected slightly more than Erza.
4. Practically the whole guild was listening to her practice and they were all going to attack him if you didn't fry his brain first.
5. Loke told Lucy's other spirits what happened and they are now scared of her (except Aquarius, she wants to be her friend, and Virgo, who wants punishment).

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