Wendy and Jellal

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Hello everyone who is reading this,

I'm not dead! I just had mock exams and had to study...

I still have them but I couldn't be bothered to study so I wrote this really bad chapter instead.

You might notice that I'm really bad at changing the plot because I run out of ideas and then just monologue. You'll probably notice that without me having to tell you.



P.S. Thank you for reading despite my horrible writing skills.


The leader, Brain, then speaks.

"Lowly maggots, all swarming together..."

There's a brief silence before Erza speaks.

"We never imagined you would show yourselves to us..."

There's another deafening silence in which you examine your enemies.

That woman there, she must use celestial spirits. She definitely uses the Gemini key that's for sure. The sleeping one there probably shouldn't be woken up.. Why does that dude.. uhh, Cobra, right, I forgot.. HAVE A GIANT PURPLE SNAKE?!  The blocky dude.. Hoteye reminds me of Wally, Erza's friend somehow...

Your thoughts are interrupted when Natsu and Gray begin their attack. You stand near Wendy who is watching the whole thing from behind a rock, protecting her from any incoming attacks. But to your surprise, no enemies approach. 

You summon a flute and begin to help them, shielding as many as you can from dangerous attacks and using 'countermelody' to strengthen their attacks.

But it's no use. Within five minutes, everyone is on the ground. You retreat further back so you're beside Wendy, Happy and Carla. 

Brain lifts his staff, summoning large quantities of magic into the area. The air begins to shake.

"Dark Rondo."

And then it stops.


You look to Wendy beside you, she has her head sticking out from behind the rock.

"Wendy..." Brain says

We've been noticed.. Wait, he knows Wendy?

You look over at the girl who is on the verge of tears in fear. You awkwardly give her a half-hug to the young girl to try and comfort her.

"There's no doubt about it... That's Wendy... the Maiden of the Sky!"

The Maiden of the Sky? Wendy? Wait, I'm confused, they take no notice to Erza, the Titania, but stop attacking because of Wendy? What's going on here?

"To think I'd meet her in a place like this... this is quite a find."

Then it dawned on you. They wanted Wendy. You hugged her tighter before letting go and standing up.

A green-black hand made of magic was coming for her. You quickly create a dome using your magic to block the attack. The hand disappears.

"You.. You're Mei Fernandes." he says in shock.

He.. knows my full name? Nobody knows it but me. Not even Erza.. although I'm sure she's guessed by now. Damn it...

"So what if I am? Who I am is none of your business." 

The creepy magic hand begins to attack again but you block it with the music dome again.

"Wendy, I'm going to start an attack. Meanwhile, I want you to hide, okay?"

"But..." She begins to protest. You ignore her however and begin to count down your attack.

"Three, two, one.. now. Sound waves!" 

Sound waves spread out towards them as you begun your attack. The Oración Seis all dodged and began to return the attack and Wendy ran.

What did I just get myself into?! I'm not that good of a mage! I'm useless! Useless! Useless! Worthless! WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME! I'm weak but my overconfidence in the face of serious danger is always getting me into trouble! I'm going to die before fixing everything with Erza! 

It was a miracle you weren't knocked out in the first three milliseconds. A literal miracle. Y'see you decided it was a good idea to copy Racer's magic using your own spell 'Canon', therefore making yourself faster than them all. Then, you used 'Repeat' and just attacked them while they couldn't see you. Which, looking back on it, was smart for someone with your lack of braincells. 

How did you get defeated you ask? You forgot about the dude with the giant snake. [Which was so unbelievably stupid that just thinking about it embarrassed you.] THERE WAS A GIANT FRIGGIN' SNAKE IN YOUR GENERAL VICINITY THAT TOOK DOWN ERZA. ERZA, THE TITANIA. SO HOW DO YOU FORGET ABOUT IT?! Anyways, while you were attacking them the snake tried to strangle you. And succeeded. 

How the snake succeeds in taking down more enemies than you, a fully-fledged mage, you don't know. And, to be truly honest, you're jealous that the snake can even take a mage out without help in the first place.

Anyways, long-story-short, that's how you got knocked unconscious by a snake in front of a bunch of people who don't know you. Embarrassing, if you ask me.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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