Waking up

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A whole month has passed since the Tower of Heaven incident. The guild has been especially worried about you. Macarov has requested the help of Porlyusica many times but you never woke up. You missed the Battle of Fairy Tail.

You open your eyes. The blinds are open and the sun is out. You sit up and look around.

Where am I? Isn't this the infirmary in the guild? How did I get here? What happened to me? I remember fighting against... Jellal. Jellal! What happened to Jellal!

There is a clatter as something falls to the floor. Mirajane is standing in the doorway.

"Hello Mirajane! Lovely day isn't it! What hap..."

"SHE'S AWAKE!" she yells loudly. A group of people burst into the room and jump on you, giving you a big hug. Natsu, Lucy, Gray and Erza: your friends.

"Nice to see you guys but please get off me. Please help, I'm being suffocated."

"We're so glad you're awake! You've been in a coma for a whole month!" Lucy says.

"A MONTH?!" You exclaim loudly.

"Yeah, your body healed but you never woke up." Gray answers

"What happened to J..." You start.

"Have something to eat. Im sure you're hungry. I'll tell you what happened when we got back to the guild. You missed the Fantasia Parade after all." Erza interrupts.

Erza never interrupts me... What's going on?

You eat your food and decide to ask again.

"I'm full now. Please tell me. What h..."

"No questions. You have to rest. We are going to have a huge party later."

-----Time Skip-----

Erza still hasn't answered your question since you woke up yesterday. Today, you decided to ask her for the last time. Upon entering the guildhall, everyone looks at you, following your figure as you make your way to the back of the guildhall. To Erza.

You walk up to her table and sit down. She looks happy for a split second, then sad, then back to normal. 

"Erza. no excuses. Tell me what happened to my big brother." You demand. 

"Sorry, Master wants me to do something urgent. I'll answer your question next time." She stands up and attempts to leave.

"Fine. If you don't want to tell me, I'll ask someone..." You stand up and make a motions to talk to Natsu, who has just entered the guild. Erza stops walking before talking.

"He's dead."

"What?" There's no way... 

"You heard me right. Jellal is dead. The report said that he was atomised by the Ethernano."

"Haha. Funny joke. I'm being serious here. What happened to Jellal?"

She just stares at you. Tears in her eyes. 

Then it hit you with the force of a bullet train. He was dead.

"No... no, no, no. You're lying. That's not true. He can't be dead. I just found him after so long."

"I'm so sorry, Mei." Erza cries, tears now streaming down her face.

You turn on your heel and leave the guildhall the speed of light. Tears streaming down your face. Upon reaching your apartment, you go to the bathroom to wash your face. It was a big mistake. Your hair never had the time to grow out after it was cut. Looking into the mirror was as if Jellal was standing in front of you once more. You fall to the floor and continue crying, eventually falling asleep on the bathroom floor.


A fire is burning in a small cottage. The sky is dark and stars fill the sky.

I remember this place. This is where I lived with Jellal before what happened with the Tower of Heaven. Our parents were dead at this point I think.

A kid Jellal walks through the door.

"Mei? You're not asleep yet?" He asks.

He can see me?

"I didn't want to go to sleep without you." Another voice says. You turn around to see a mini you behind you, doll in hand, sitting on the bed in front of the fire.

Oh thank goodness. I actually got scared for a moment.

"Do you want me to sing you to sleep?" he offers.

Little you nods and lies down. Jellal sits on the edge of the bed and begins to sing quietly in another language.

Holl amrantau'r sêr ddywedant
Ar hyd y nos
"Dyma'r ffordd i fro gogoniant,"
Ar hyd y nos.
Golau arall yw tywyllwchI arddangos gwir brydferthwch
Teulu'r nefoedd mewn tawelwch
Ar hyd y nos.

Hyd y nos.
O mor siriol, gwena'r seren
Ar hyd y nosI oleuo'i chwaer ddaearen
Ar hyd y nos.
Nos yw henaint pan ddaw cystudd
Ond i harddu dyn a'i hwyrddydd
Rhown ein golau gwan i'n gilydd
Ar hyd y nos.
Hyd y nos.

This... this was the lullaby that mother sang in her family's language. Hyd y Nos. All through the night. 

Little you fell asleep.

[This is a Welsh lullaby. I lived in Wales for half my life, For some reason, when I was writing this it just popped into my head, so I decided to include it.]

-----End of memory-----

You woke up stiff, having fallen asleep on the cold tiles of your bathroom floor. Your muscles ached as you moved out of your uncomfortable position and stood up. It was 6:30 in the morning. You walked into your bedroom and got changed into another copy of your daily outfit, then you went into the kitchen.

I'm hungry. What should I make to eat?

You check your fridge to find it surprisingly well stocked for once.

Hmmmmmm. What would Jellal want to eat?

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