Wendy Marvell

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The the Lamia Scale guild appeared. Your friend seemed to know the white haired boy from somewhere, especially Gray. You gathered that his name was Lyon. He then proceeded to throw the frozen body of Ichiya across the room, which you expertly dodged. Then a pink haired lady appeared, who Lucy called Sherry, that everyone seemed to know as well.

Then they all started to fight amongst each other. You face-palmed as another figure entered the room, who you determined to be wizard-saint level. They stamped their staff.

"Enough! We are here to unite and destroy the Oración Seis! This is no time to fight amongst ourselves!" The command

Everyone stopped fighting.

"Jura-san." Lyon greets.

Jura Neekis is one of the wizard saints. He is a member of Lamia Scale and an extremely powerful earth mage.

You quickly picked up on another Aura approaching. 

A young girl, between the ages on 10 and 15, a dragon slayer... I have a feeling that they're going to trip on the carpet...

While the others discussed... whatever, you fixed the carpet before going to greeting the girl. Luckily, she didn't fall.

"I'm from Cait Shelter. My name is Wendy Marvell. It's nice to meet you all." She introduces herself.

"It's nice to meet you too, Wendy!" You smile, while the others are in shock that it's a young girl coming to represent her guild.

"All the guilds are now present." Jura continues.

"You're just going to move on like that!" Gray shouts.

You ignore then and walk over to the girl who is rocking back and forth on the soles of her feet.

"Hi, my name's Mei. Ignore the rest of them, I think it's amazing that your guild sent you here by yourself. What magic do you use?"

Then a cat walks in. It was white and wore a cute dress.

"Oh. She isn't alone, gaudy woman." They say to Sherry who must've said something stupid. It spoke, just like Happy, and had a similar aura to the blue cat, so you deduced that they were of the same species.

"Hello!" You greet the cat, they give you a judgy look which you choose to ignore.

"Carla! You followed me?" Wendy asks.

"Of course. I would never be able to rest easy if I let you go all alone." Carla answers. 

"A cat!" The Trimens sparkle.

"Only now you notice!" Lucy exclaims frustratedly.

You place a hand on her shoulder. 

"Don't even bother with them. They're all lost causes." You sigh in annoyance at their antics.

Charle look at Happy who's heart eyes were exploding out of his head. Although, you had to admit that their auras were suitable for a cute relationship.

Awwwww, love-at-first-sight. How adorable. Their ship name shall be called... Cappy. 

Wendy began to speak once again, not looking up at the most likely, intimidating-looking mages.

"U-Umm, I can't fight at all, but I can use all kinds of helpful support magic... So please... So please don't leave me out of the group..." Wendy looked on the verge of tears as she finished speaking. You kneel down beside her and give her an awkward hug to calm her down.

"That timid attitude is why people look down on you!" Charle scolds, much like a mother would to her child.

"I-I'm sorry..." She apologises.

"Quit being so quick to apologise."

"S-Sorry!" Charle sighs.

Erza steps up from the group. 

"I'm sorry. I was a bit surprised, but I didn't mean to offend you. It's a pleasure to meet you, Wendy."

Wendy fangirls something to Charle, something about Erza from what you could hear.

It was at this point that you noticed that that an aura was missing, which upon looking around the room, found to be Ichiya's. It took a while to do a headcount and during this time, the Trimens proceeded to flirt with the young girl.

Okay, I understand Lucy and Erza, but no. For heaven's sake, she's a child. Any you guys are all way older than her.

"Excuse me, but you do realise this is a child, right? Do you not see how distressed she is? Anyone with a conscience would know, but it seems to me that you're all more of an inanimate object than a living being." You say, grabbing Wendy's hand and pulling her away from them, gently patting her head to calm her down.

"Now then." Ichiya begins, gathering everyones attention.

It was at that moment that you realised that Ichiya had never re-entered the room. So was the one that was before you?

Is it possible that he's knocked out somewhere? The aura reads a celestial spirit, so it must've taken his form. The real Ichiya must be knocked out somewhere!

"Excuse me for interrupting. But I would like to bring to your attention that who-ever that is in front of us, it is not Ichiya."

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