Not-so-important, Important Notice

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Twilight here annoying you with another authors note. Most of this is just;

1. A recap of all the different texts that I use

2. A few requests 

3. An important notice.

1. / 2.

1a)If you see any text in italic, is Mei's thoughts.

For example:

2a) Hi, this an example of me, Mei Fernandes, thinking. Please suggest a favourite food and drink for me!

b) If you see any text in italic and underlined, is a character's thought that isn't Mei. It can also be used to describe a conversation via telepathy or without physically talking. Mei's thoughts would still be normal to differentiate the thinkers.

For example:

2b) Hi, this an example of me, Erza Scarlet, thinking. Please suggest someone to ship her with if you want a love interest.

c) If you see any text in bold, in italic and underlined, then it is just me making a random comment. Like if I want to say something stupid.

For example:

2c) Hi, this an example of me, Twilight, saying that Strawberry Cheesecake is delicious! Please accept the requests of Mei and Erza. Thank you in advance.

3. I've nothing else to say other than the fact that you should re-read the story from the beginning every now and again because I change the content of the chapters every once in a while. 



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