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You haven't had a minute of peace since you'd gotten here and it had not gotten any better since you had gotten your guild mark either.

"What's your name?"

"What magic do you use?"

"How strong are you?"

"How do you know Gildarts?"

You couldn't focus. It was too loud and all the sounds had long since merged into a continuous hum. Dizzy. Dizzy. Just want to sit down. You were about to collapse when you heard a voice.

"Stop!" it commanded, it was clear and strong compared to the blur of the other voices. You turned your head to look at the person who had come to your help.
It's a girl. She has a pretty aura. Red. Red like the colour of her hair!

"Can't you see that you're bothering her?! And she just got here too! You should all be ashamed of yourselves!" the voice scolded.

The person walked up to you. "Hi. I'm Erza. I'm sorry if the others were bothering you."

"Hi Erza. I'm Mei. And they weren't bothering me, I'm just not good with people." you laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck.

She takes your other hand and drags you off to an empty table. She continues to ask you questions.

"What type of magic do you use? Me, I'm a Requip mage." she asks.

"Wow! Another Requip mage! I use music as a base for my magic but I also use Requip magic to swap out my instruments!" you smile. I can't believe I can finally meet another Requip mage!

"How old are you?"

"Sixteen." you say while nibbling a half-eaten cracker that you found in your pocket.

"Where'd you get the cracker from?" Erza asks, confused because it wasn't there a minute ago.

"Sometimes I store food in my sleeve. Not like I steal it or anything. I just get hungry sometimes so I keep crackers and biscuits and stuff in my pockets and sleeves and stuff." you explain,"Want one? Your aura says you're hungry but annoyed, is your favourite food unavailable?"

"Nah I'm fine. But you are right, I'm quite hungry. There are no interesting jobs left AND there's no strawberry cake left." she complained while you nibbled your cracker. You stared at her for a while trying to decipher her aura. Then she stood up. "You know what, maybe I should take a cracker!" she declared loudly. You handed her one and she nibbles on the corner in a cute manner.

"Wow this is quite tasty!" she said with stars in her eyes, literally sparkling.
Suddenly a dark blue aura appeared beside the table. "Really?! Can I have one?" they said.

"No! I want one!" another voice says.
"Here. I'll give you both crackers!" you smile handing them both a packet.

More people come up to you asking for your tasty crackers. You give them said crackers and more people come up to you looking for them. You look in you sleeve. Fudge cake with custard and whipped cream. I'm dead.

"I only have one left." you say guiltily, tossing the packet into the crowd for whoever to catch.

Chapter Secrets:
1. There ended up being a full blown bar fight over the last cracker.
2. Mei and Erza were able to escape and finish their crackers in peace.
3. Team Natsu arrived to find the guild destroyed.
4. Happy got to eat the last cracker (he really liked it).
5. Mei made the crackers herself but everyone thinks that she bought them because they taste so good.

That Lonely Melody: Jellal's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now