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This is a really short chapter because I wrote it as fast as I could when I realised that I haven't updated.

School started already this week so I've been busy lately. Sorry. Thanks if you actually ready this.


When you awoke, the first thing you noticed was the cold, hard floor beneath you and a stone wall behind your back. A heavy weight rested on both of your wrists. Cuffs... most likely it's sealstone, so I can use my magic... You could hear a faint, rhythmic breathing nearby. 

Who's breathing is that? Everyone's breathing patterns are different but I don't recognise this one. 

You hadn't opened your eyes yet. You knew not to when you woke up somewhere you didn't recognise.

"I know that you're awake, Mei." a voice said. It was calm yet reeked of confidence, but it also seemed warm and familiar somehow. You heard their footsteps walk over to you, and nothing.

You open your eyes, blinking a few times to get used to the brightness of the room. The features of the figure in front settled to reveal a familiar person.

That tattoo... it's the same as mine... No way... Is it? It couldn't be...

"J-Jellal? Nii-san? Is that you?" you ask, tears forming in your eyes.

"Nice to finally see you after all this time... Imouto. I missed you." he said, pulling you into a tight hug.

That Lonely Melody: Jellal's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now