Under attack

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Finally had the time to publish. I've been busy lately. Here's the next chapter.

"I have the ability to sense auras. That is the aura of a celestial spirit, not a human. During the time that he left, and the time that he returned, something must've happened. From my knowledge on celestial spirits, it must be the spirt of the gold key, Gemini. Also known as 'The twins' they have the ability to transform into anyone that they have contact with." you explained.

The group, excluding Ichiya who had a look of offence in his face, just stared at you and mumbled their doubts under their breaths until Erza spoke.

"Mei actually does have the ability to see auras. And, hasn't Ichiya been acting weird since he came back from the bathroom?" She confirms, looking over at Ichiya.

"Someone can go to the toilets and check if there's a body there?" you suggest.

Lyon volunteers to check and comes back a minute later with the unconscious body of Ichiya. Everyone looks at the body in shock.

"The determines that the Ichiya in front of us is a fake!"

Fake Ichiya's face darkens and it pops open a test tube. A dark smoke pours across the room.

"Piri Piri..." Fake Ichiya says menacingly, his voice now distinctly splitting into 3 distinct voices.

"Don't breathe it in!" Jura warns. Everyone covers their noses and mouths with their clothes in attempt to prevent inhalation. However, it didn't help much and lots of people collapsed to the floor.

Fake Ichiya pops out of existence. The smoke clears to reveal two small, blue celestial spirits. They begin to complain about their transformation.

"Back to normal! Perverted stuff is all that Ichiya guy thinks about!"

"That's for sure! He's hopeless as a grownup!"

"Piri Piri! We have to go now!"

"Piri Piri! Let's go!"

The celestial spirits leave the building, flying out of the door. Everyone gets up coughing, trying to force as much of the smoke out of their lungs.

"Is everyone alright? No one inhaled too much of that stuff, did they?"

There were a few coughs and mumbles of 'No' and 'I'm okay'. 

"Does anyone know Ichiya's presentation on our enemies? Was there information we should know before someone decides to go jump into a fight?"

"There was something about Nirvana... It is a powerful ancient magic that was sealed deep in the Worth Woodsea... All that we know is that its destructive magic was so powerful that the ancients had to seal it away... But we dont know what kind of magic it actually is." The Trimens said, splitting the lines between them.

"We can only assume that the Oración Seis have gathered in the forest in order to obtain Nirvana."

-----Time Skip because I'm not wasting my life writing about Hibiki's archive magic, the photos of the Oración Seis and Natsu busting a hole through the door when he runs out-----

You were running down to the forest holding Wendy's hand. This was the moment you realised how fast Natsu was at running.

 I'm... going to die... before I can eat... sweet strawberries again... My heart... is going to explode... and I'm going to die...

But you kept running until you realised how stupid you were. You were running downhill.

You made a half shield using your magic and jumped on it. A few pushes later, you were sliding down the hill with ease. Easily keeping up with your fellow guild mates who were at the front of the group.

A shadow cast over the group. It looked like a mechanical horse with wings that was flying in the sky.

A pegasus! That must be Christina, the magic bomber! 

Everyone had caught up at that point. Well, everyone who had ran after Natsu. Jura and Ichiya were... somewhere. The group was admiring Christina from the top of the cliff as it soared across the blue sky. Then it happened. 


Christina had been shot and was falling out of the sky. Half of the bomber was on fire and covered in smoke.


Christina crashed to the ground creating an even larger explosion that shook the earth. Everyone watched in shock, horror on their faces.

You became aware of three things in that very moment.

The first was that Wendy's dragon-slaying senses must've picked up on something because she was hiding behind a rock in fear. 

The second was a lot more noticeable. 6 new auras had entered the field where everyone stood (excluding the human one that belonged to the snake and the one attached to a skull staff). 

The third was that you'd been under attack the whole time.

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