The Paradise Game

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"Mei. We're going to play a game. Okay?"

"What is it called? What do you do? Can I play?"

Why am I acting like I'm a child again. It's like my personality has gone haywire. It's probably because I've reunited with Jellal... I'll go back to normal soon...right? 

"It's called the paradise game. A fighting one. You get to watch. Your friends are going to climb the tower and I'm going to try to stop them. If they reach the top, where we are, I'm going to fight them. The game ends if I'm defeated in battle or the sky starts to glow."

"Okay, let's play. My friends are going to win! They're the strongest!"

The sky glowing? That sounds like Etherion, the magic council weapon, the one that can wipe out an entire country...Isn't that dangerous? Are you or my friends going to get hurt? What are you planing, Jellal?

------Time Skip-----

The battle has begun. All your friends were fighting against members of Trinity Raven, a group in a dark, assassins guild called Death's Head Caucus. Currently, they were winning so you thought it would be a good time to question your brother.

"Hey, Onii-san. Why did you cut contact with me? I thought that you died." you ask.

"I was building this tower. I wanted it to be perfect for when you came here so I was really busy."


"Oh, good. I thought that you forgot me or something."

HA! The look of guilt in your face! I'm good at reading people, dearest brother! I knew that you forgot me...

"Ummmmm. So. What are your friends like?"

Stop trying to change the subject.

"Well I've been friends with Erza, she's really nice, she's like my big sister. I'm also good friends with Lucy and Levy, we started a book club together. Lucy gets enemy nerves though sometimes, she's a bit...stuck up. She complains a lot too, it annoys me when we go somewhere hot or cold. I'm also friends with Natsu and Gray I guess. They're really loud, annoying and a little on the wild side ,they always disturb my music practice too, but they're really nice people. I'm one good terms with most people in the guild, the only one who's scared of me is Loke... But I love my guild. They're like the family we never had, Jellal!"

He hums. "That's nice..."

You sigh. You weren't listening, were you? Wait a second...

"Y'know. Erza said that you knew her and that you were the one who gave her her last name. Do you like her or something?"

There is a long pause before Jellal blushes. 

"...maybe a little bit..."



"omg...Omg...OMG! I SHIP IT! JERZA FOREVER! Imagine what your babies would look like. They'd be so cute! Blue or red hair and brown eyes. OMG...PURPLE HAIR!" you celebrate gleefully, running around the room screaming like a maniac.


"That's your ship name. the 'je' from Jellal, and the 'rza' from Erza. Put it together and you got Jerza! Although debatably someone could think I just put 'j' in front of 'erza' but that wasn't what I was thinking when I made the name."

"Ohhh. I get it now.... And stop running around and screaming. Sit down."

"Fine." you huff, sitting beside him on the floor.

"You're no fun. It's so boring here. There's nothing to do."

"...oh. I feel offended somehow. Talk about your magic."

This is the definition of a bad idea. I'm quite literally going to be telling the enemy all my strengths and weaknesses.

"If you don't want to tell me it's okay. I use Heavenly Body Magic by the way."

"Heavenly Body Magic?

"It's a type of magic that allows the caster to use the properties of astronomical objects for battle. It is both a caster and holder type magic....well that's what the book said."

"Ooh! That sounds so cool! I want to learn it now! It's way more interesting than my music magic!"


"Music magic? The lost magic? The one where you manipulate the music to do damage to enemies."


Jellal smirks.

Hmmmm. Let me guess. If my friends lose, he's going to emotionally blackmail me into helping him do whatever he's doing. And if they win, he'll emotionally blackmail me into helping him over my friends. 

Wow...what an amazing brother.

"Hey, onii-san. How long is left on the timer? When will the game be over? Also, do I have to fight anyone? I don't want to fight you or my friends."

Jellal pauses, before smirking.

"But imouto... Wasn't this wonderful game your idea?"

"What? No. It was your..."

You were interrupted when the door burst open.

"Mei?! This was your idea? You knew Jellal this whole time?! I should never have trusted you."

Such fury from the kindest friend you could ever have asked for... 

From you sister figure... 

From Erza... 

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