Chapter 2: Meeting

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Chapter 2


Well this was an unusual turn of events, but at least it was an adorable one. The little girl's tuft of black hair could be seen up over Ingo's large hand. His other hand fit snugly just under her bottom to keep her warm.

The Autumn wind blew leaves around the walkway. The sun had begun to set beyond the buildings within Nimasa City. The market wasn't too far off from their apartment.

As per usual Emmet was spouting off the kinds of fights he had that day. Nothing of which seemed to disturb the infant's slumber. Although they had only had her for two hours they would need to find food for her.

At least this was simple, and they'd be able to be reimbursed by the police department for anything they were to purchase.

But why was this still so hard? They both stood in front of the shelves for the formula and realized just how many kinds there were. They were so lost...

"You two look soooo confused." They recognized that voice. Emmet turned as they spotted Elesa walking by pushing a cart full of various items. She stopped and gasped. "Baby?" She said in a high squeaky voice.

"Indeed, this one appears to have been dropped off within the subway." Ingo told her.

"We have been asked by Officer Jenny to couple with her while they investigate. Which means...we need provisions." Emmet told her. Elesa was as close to a sister to them as anyone could get. So she understood their train lingo really well.

"But I'm afraid our knowledge of caring for infants is mostly just for those who just need minute care and that's it. We have never purchased such a range of foods." Ingo felt the infant move against his chest.

"I'm..." Emmet heard something from his brother who removed his hand from the infant's backside and sighed. "Diapers too..."

Elesa giggled behind her hand giving Ingo a handkerchief. "I'm afraid infants are like that." She said as she picked up two cans of formula, and then went around and picked up a box of diapers.

"How do you know so much?" Emmet asked, watching her pick up a small gift set of baby soaps, diaper rash cream, lotion, and powder. Reaching up she picked up a few bottles, the liners, and a scrub brush. A small rubber duck, and burp rags.

"School. I took a child care class."

"Elesa, isn't this...too much?" Ingo asked, looking at the stuff she loaded into the cart.

"You have no idea how much of this you'll be using tonight." She said as she kept going. She walked around the shelves picking up other things.

"Ever thought of having...babies one day?" Emmet asked, looking over the wide awake infant as she looked up at them both.

"I have never found the right person to do so. But I figured it would happen...someday." Ingo said as they spotted Elesa coming back with an arm load of clothing.

"There we go, that should do it. Little babies have requirements of course. Now...let's get you checked out." She started toward the front. Much to the boy's amazement a cart with a bassinet was also loaded into a waiting taxi.

"Elesa, we can not afford all this. Even if they reimburse us." Ingo complained. Elesa waved her hand and motioned to the baby.

"Oh hush, who said anything about you paying. This gave me a chance to practice for when you boys go off and have your own." She said as she poked the infant's nose. "Now better get her home before she starts to throw a hissy fit. She's going to get hungry. Infants eat once every four hours." She was so smart.

Emmet couldn't help but look at the infant as she looked up at Ingo, and then at him. It was all she could do.

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