Chapter 10: Good Morning

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Chapter 10

Good Morning

Ingo and Emmet had gotten up earlier to take care of Akari and had totally forgotten about the young woman sleeping on their couch. She had cried herself to sleep. She was still healing. Much to their amazement she hadn't even gone to a hospital after giving birth. No money, and at that point in time nowhere to live.

She had lied to Ingo, she had been sleeping outside the whole time until the papers went through for her to get this apartment and she wasn't even sure how long she'd be able to afford it. Even that lunch she had while they were in the park together had been the first meal she had in two days. So she didn't even eat anything after.

Ingo and Emmet looked at each other knowing perfectly well what they'd have to do.

"If this is going to work..." Emmet said as he lightly bobbed Akari on his chest. She had just eaten and being burped is a must at this age because of bubbles. At least that's what Elesa said. "We'll need to talk more..." Something beeped in Ariels pocket. She jumped and fished around in her pocket and rubbed one of her eyes as she tried to see what was on the screen of her phone.

"Shit..." She whispered before she shoved her phone back into her pocket and stood up. That was when she noticed she wasn't in her apartment, she looked around the area she found herself. Posters, models, figurines, plates, cups, even the blanket on the back of the couch...all of it had trains on it. Even the teapot looked like a train. That was when she spotted that the subway bosses were there. Then her eyes locked onto Akari. Then everything clicked.

"Oh..." Her voice was incredibly low, and her hand clamped down on her lower face. Effectively stopping her from saying anything. She didn't want to ruin anything. Nope, it was a dream and they probably brought her back here so they could...

"Good morning Miss Ariel. You appeared to have slept well." Ingo said to her. She slowly pushed herself against the arm of the couch and curled her legs up to her chest.

"I'm sorry, I seem to have...fallen asleep on your couch last night." She said as she pulled herself against the back of the couch.

"Its alright, you had a good cry too, thats healthy so don't worry about it." Ingo walked back over to her and placed a cup of coffee on the table with some sugar and cream.

"I hope this is to your l..." She recoiled from his hand quickly as he held the cup out for her. "I'm...I'm not going to hurt you." She looked at him and slowly reached out for the cup. Her sleeve slowly slid down onto her upper arm. Leaving some scars for all to see. Some seemed to be fresher than others.

"Ariel...?" Ingo looked at the very scared looking woman. "Are you..."

"It wasn't me..." She whispered, blowing on the coffee and lightly sipping it. "It was Cain...if I did something he didn't like, he would..." She went silent. Ingo understood perfectly why she hid Akari away from this man.

"Alright, we'll be back later so please stay here as long as you like." Emmet said as he picked up Akari and Ingo grabbed the diaper bag.

But wait...she had to work...

The door opened and Ingo pointed at her. " are on bed rest."

"But I can't afford it...I won't have enough for rent, or food." She stood up and tried to pull on her shoes. The bottom literally fell to the floor.

Emmet cringed as he looked at Ingo. "I think she's..."

"Hush..." His brother bumped him.

"Maternity leave is a paid rest time. So rest...I will explain everything to the big boss." Yes, even the Subway bosses had to report to the manager of transportation.

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