Chapter 19: Speeding

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Chapter 19


They were heading back toward Nimbasa City. Akari sat behind the passenger seat. Cain was incredibly glad she stopped throwing a fit. Maybe she just liked being held, he was warm, and it was cold outside. If he was lucky she'd shut up the entire way to the buyer's location. He sat back and sighed.

"Hey Cain...we're being followed. It's one of those crazy guys from the subway." Cain turned to look out the window. It was Emmet, and that pissed Cain off.

"What are you waiting for? Floor it!"

Emmet watched from the driver's seat as the van sped up. It was only too obvious that he had been spotted. These people were crazy, speeding with an infant in their vehicle. One thing was for certain, once Emmet got Cain out of that vehicle he was going to give him a piece of his mind.

Cain turned to look for the car that Emmet was driving. It was a normal tan looking car. Not like it was fancy or anything. Just what did Ariel see in this guy?

The car turned a corner really fast, fish tailing as it went. Cain had to brace himself. The car next to the van was side swiped as they did.

"Careful you idiot!: Cain yelled. "We don't need to get caught!"

It was true, the last thing they needed was a damaged car. Imagine telling their boss about them damaging yet another vehicle. That would come out of Cain's pocket.

"What, you think I did that on purpose?!" The guy driving spat back. He glared at the infant that was curled tightly to Cain's chest. She didn't really know what was going on, but this wasn't what she wanted. She wanted her mama, she wanted her daddy, she wanted her uncle. Her bottom lip poked out and she whimpered.

"Stuff it, squirt." Cain spat out. "I can't believe someone like you came from me. Must get it from your mom."

The car lurched forward as Emmet's car bumped them lightly as if trying to coax them into stopping the car. Cain turned around and growled. Emmet pointed at Cain and then flipped him off.

Cain slowly looked down at the infant that started to cry again. This wasn't going to work. Emmet wasn't going to just let them go and being in the city like this wasn't ideal. Perhaps a strategic withdrawal? Plasma style...

Cain rolled down the window and smiled. Emmet wasn't sure how he knew what was going to happen, and he couldn't say how he reacted the way he did. But he did...and there went his pokeball.

"Archeops! Save Akari!" Emmet yelled out.

To Emmets horror Cain held Akari out the window by her soft jumper. The zipper wasn't going to last forever. He watched as Cain leaned out and laughed.

"You want her so much? Here!" He dropped her.

Emmet felt his heart fall through him. His baby, his baby...his...his...not this Cain guy, this was his baby and Cain just dropped her out of a car that was going far over the speed limit.

He was going to tear Cain's head clean from his shoulders. Emmets blood was boiling, he wanted the man's soul. He had to cool down, Akari didn't need this. She was the more important thing, but Cain would get it...oh he would.

Cain was surprised when a pokemon snatched the infant from his outstretched arm. Emmet began to stop and climb out of the car. His arms ached, he wanted to hold her so much. He reached over, plucking the infant from his pokemons claws. Archeops landed on his shoulders and looked down at the infant sniffing her softly.

Akari was still crying softly. Clinging onto Emmet harder than she ever had. She had been hurt, it might not be physically, but this whole ordeal was something she'd remember and likely have...

A loud bang echoed down the street as the van ended up on its side. Emmet turned Akari away from the scene. The man who was her father lay face down on the pavement. Having been hanging halfway out the window before. He was likely not going to get back up.

Emmet climbed back into his car placing Akari in her car seat and made his way back toward the house that he had left Ingo in.

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