Chapter 8: Him

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Trigger Warning: shock, blood, afterbirth, abusive boyfriend, hitting, and Ingo being a badass

I have finished this fic so expect one chapter a day from now on.


Chapter 8


Wiping down all the bathrooms, the counters, seats, picking up trash, wiping down the seats again, sweeping the floor, and then mopping the bathrooms. That's when she decided to do it. She had been in the room for hours and honestly she pretended for the cameras. She picked up the mop bucket, and broom and walked over to the closet where she had given birth to Akari.

She had a full plan in mind. Open the door, look shocked, drop items, and run to the closest guard shake and tell them it looked like someone was murdered in the room. There was a lot of blood. It was okay because they didn't have her blood on file. She was a person that did nothing, and had never been in custody of the police. So they'd never have her identity on file.

Open door/check

Look shocked/check

Take a step back/...

Start to hyperventilate/...

5. 5. 5.

She felt someone's hand on her shoulder. She jumped and turned around looking at Ingo's face.

"Miss Ariel...?" He looked over her shoulder at the blood on the ground. "Ah...I see...Emmet, would you be a gentleman and take Miss Ariel back to the main station house? It looks like she might need a good cup of strong coffee after this." Emmet could see over her shoulder understanding immediately.

She had no idea she bled that much, and survived. She felt a jacket on her shoulders. She could see the dark color. It was Ingos. He must have put it onto her shoulders when she was running on automatic because he hadn't come with them into the office.

She couldn't feel her feet, her hands felt numb, her lips were tingly, she didn't understand everything that was happening. At least until Officer Jenny walked in with Ingo.

"And this is her?" Jenny asked. Ingo nodded as he sat across from Ariel and held out his hands.

"What you saw wasn't a murder scene as it was. It appears to be afterbirth. The infant they found here yesterday must have been born there." Jenny told Ariel who still appeared to be ringing her hands out like a sponge.

"So I won't find...I was scared that if I went in more..." She looked at Jenny who nodded and patted her shoulder. Even though Ariel saw her do it she still jumped at the contact.

"How about you take the next day off Miss Ariel, you obviously had quite the shock today." he obviously had no idea this part was her acting. Oddly enough this had gone better then she had thought it would. Although she was shocked to begin with.

"OH no no...I can't take a day off, I'll be behind on my bills and that will be even more stressful." She stood up and walked right out the door again.

"She really likes to jump up and run." Emmet said as he watched through the window at her as she continued on.

The terminal wasn't crowded anymore, it was almost quitting time, even the sun could barely be seen coming down the steps from above.

Ariel turned to make sure they weren't following her, at least until she slammed into someone. She rubbed her face and looked up.

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me, I was being..." She gasped and looked at the man in front of her.

"Good evening, Ariel." Her name was spat.

"Cain..." She stepped back and the man stepped forward. Up until she bumped into one of the pillars. Effectively pinning her there. His hand held onto her shoulder, and his face inches from hers.

"Where's the baby?" He asked with a horrible grin.

"I got rid of her. She's gone." She told him. The man growled and grabbed her hair and pulled it.

"Where is the baby?" He yelled in her face, Ariel cried out in pain trying to push him from her hair.

"Let go Cain, I told you she's gone!" Ariel cried out feeling the hand come down on her face, then she felt something else most curious. A soft wind and his hand let go of her hair.

Ariel opened her eyes to see Emmets back. In his arms was a familiar infant. Ingo in front of him.

"You are not welcome here. You may leave." Ingo told him.

Technically he just wanted the guy to get away from Ariel.

"Yeah whatever..." He notices the infant and then smiles. "Oh I see, you got yourself some bitches that'll take care of my kid huh?"

Ariel flinched from his words, his kid...his...such a horrible assumption. He would never be a father to anyone. He just wanted money.

A loud click noise and Ariel turned around to see Cain on the ground with his jaw in his hands. It took Ariel a few seconds to realize that this click was his teeth hitting each other from the uppercut Ingo served.

Ingo stood there massaging his fist.

"Arrest him." Ingo ordered watching several of the subway agents run over and pick Cain up from the ground. Dragging him away.

"Ariel...if you follow us we'll escort you home." Ingo held out his arm for her. She knew she had been way to hide it now. They knew that Akari was hers.

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