Chapter 17: uh oh

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Chapter 17

Uh oh

Ariel was shoved toward a building. They had driven at least two hours in a van. Luckily she thought to grab the diaper bag. Akari was going to need it. She had fed the infant before they left so she had at least another two hours before Akari demanded food again. Ariel was pretty sure she'd only be given enough food to exist.

"Well hello there Ariel." Cain said as he stepped out of a car that pulled up right alongside the van that had brought them. He leaned over the much shorter woman and smiled at the infant. "Damn we made one good lookin kid." He chuckled.

Ariel turned away from him in an effort to protect Akari. Cain didn't like this too much. He grabbed Ariel's hair and pulled her back to look at him.

"Where did you put the key?" He asked. Ariel looked at him oddly; she still wasn't too sure what he meant by key. He leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"The one in the back room...the one where all Plasma shits hidden. The boss wants the key and you're going to give it to me." Ariel shook her head, still unsure as to what it was. Or rather...what she was telling everyone anyways.

"I don't know what youre talking about." She gasped as he pulled her hair again, and pulled her even closer.

"Then you had better find out what I"m talking about. It's on both of your heads. If I go do too." He looked up at one of his goons.

"Cain please. I just want to go home. Please...Akari doesn't need any of this. She's just two weeks old." Cain turned and smiled at her. His teeth looked way too pretty to be real.

"Ah, my Ariel, you are home." He chuckled watching as she was pulled into the old building. Her wrist was chained to the radiator of a rather small bedroom with a single mattress on the floor.

"Better figure it out soon lady. He's not too pleased. The boss I mean." The man looked at her and smiled. "Or else." He grabbed Akari and laughed as the baby started to cry.

The man cried out in pain, feeling Ariel's teeth on his skin. "You damned bitch!" He backhanded Ariel. She fell hitting the radiator. Akari was still in the mans arms.

"Welp, looks like you can think of it in your sleep." He picked up the diaper bag and walked out of the room. Leaving Ariel laying on the ground shivering. Blood ran freely from her nose, and a welt appeared on her forehead from her hitting the radiator.

"Here Cain." He held up the baby. Cain chuckled looking at the baby as she kicked her legs and thrashed her arms. Her bottom lip poked out, and those huge tears rolled down her face.

"Annoying..." He stood up and walked out of the room. He hated kids, and even he was annoying. "Let's see if that woman still wants this one. She always needs a new worker."


Emmet hated this waiting around stuff. Ingo knew more about paperwork and what to do during times like this. He however wasn't sure what to do other than dig a hole in the ground by pacing. He was stopped after four hours of talking with the officers.

Ingo wasn't too pleased, after all that waiting, working, talking, and finally being told they couldn't do anything until they had a lead. If a lead they wanted, then a lead they'll get.

"Come along Emmet, we must swing by the security labs at the station. We have a vehicle to find." He walked toward the subway.

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