Chapter 18: No Key

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Chapter 18

No Key

Ariel slowly opened her eyes. She had one hell of a headache.

She sat up and looked around the old room. The floors were so dilapidated she could see through the cracks on some pieces. She could see Cain with Akari in his arms. She was kicking and crying. Dread ripped through her body as she tried to leave the room. The chain held her to the radiator.

"Cain!" Ariel cried out. Cain looked up at the ceiling and smiled as he listened to Ariel crying out for him to stop making Akari cry.

"Have you found my key!?" He asked as he ran his fingers over Akari's face.

"I don't have any key. You searched my things, I don't have anything else." She thought about it, she really had no idea what he was talking about. " I don't know..." She whispered, lightly feeling a hand on her head. She looked up into the bright gray eyes of Cain.

"Oh that's just too bad. You see the key is your bargaining chip. If you don't have can't get her back. If you proved...useful to me you could keep her. But...we have a buyer so...looks like your baby is going bye bye." He smiled walking toward the door. "And so are you. Your usefulness is at its end." He placed Akari into someone's arms and smiled down at Ariel.

"No, you give her back!" She pulled on her chains. Cain turned to look at someone as they walked up to him. "Is it set?" The guy smiled and nodded.

"Poor thing." Cain tipped his hat and closed the door behind him. "Goodbye Ariel!" He yelled out to her.

Ariel shook her head turning back toward the window watching as Cain climbed into the back of a car. He didn't even bother to secure Akari.

"Safety checks..." Ariel whispered. She turned back toward the door and realized there was smoke coming up from the boards. "Fire..." They were trying to kill her. "Please someone help!" She cried out, pulling on the chains more insistent.


The subway bosses had followed the car until it left surveillance so they decided to follow the roads. It took them a little while but they finally found the car that had the same license plate. Emmet pulled their car into the driveway across the street which honestly looked like the house was going to fall apart. Actually all the houses down this one street looked that way.

"I think they're leaving." Emmet whispered crouched down behind a bush. It was rather hard to hide with white on so he stood a little behind Ingo.

"Indeed." They heard the loud crying that came from Cains arms.

"Akari..." Emmet whispered watching the infant as Cain climbed into the back of the van. The side of the van had Team Plasma written along the side in very horrible graffiti lettering.

"Come on...before they get too far ahead." Ingo told his brother who climbed into the driver's seat.

"Please! Someone help me!" They heard it from within the house. Ingo looked around, they could see Ariel in the upper windows of the building. Ingo turned to look at his brother and pointed toward the car.

"Go get our baby, I'll get Ariel." Emmet nodded and pushed forward.

Ingo ran across the street and hid in the bushes. He turned just in time to watch his brother peel out and speed toward the little girl they fell in love with.

"Oh that's cute, you think this is Fortnite. Hiding in the bushes isn't going to help you dude." Ingo gasped as someone grabbed his arm forcefully and pulled him up.

Ingo cried out as he was slammed against the ground like it was slow motion.

"Come on, man. Why don't you watch with us? We put a can of popcorn on the porch. We're gonna see if the house can get hot enough to pop it." He was slammed down on the hood of a car.

Ingo didn't like this...not at all. His chest was bruised, he was sure, and his head felt like it was going to burst. He couldn't pass out now, not when Ariel needed him. He spat the blood that had pooled in his mouth.

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