Chapter 6: Daycare

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Chapter 6


Ingo had Akari strapped to his chest, and Emmet had hold of the diaper bag they were able to make their way toward work. But first they had to take a detour.

Akari was able to see a lot on their walk over there. It wasn't too far. But just across the street from Nimbasa Subway was a small daycare. All across the front windows were a bunch of cartoon fish that were painted on. Ingo had heard a lot about this place by the people he works with.

Walking in, the woman at the desk looked up. Her fingernails were longer than they should have been for being able to use one's computer. The phone rested on her shoulder as she spoke to someone on the other end.

"Hannah can't come into tutoring today? Bad sore throat? It's going around...we'll need a doctor's note." She said as she put the phone back onto the receiver. "What can I do for you two?" She knew them well as they had been quite famous because they ran the battle subway.

"We would like to temporarily enroll her." He patted Akari's back. Her head was covered by a small brown cap. The rest of her was in a brown and blue body suit.

"Is she your daughter or are you dropping her off for another employee?" Ingo looked at her and shook his head.

"We are simply watching her until the police can reclaim her as we found her on the subway yesterday evening." the woman balked at Ingo.

"Yesterday evening? She's a newborn! You should have her inside." The woman stood up and walked them inside. Within there were what appeared to be different rooms separating the children. It seemed as if one part was a preschool. A woman walked over spotting the infant and motioned for them to follow her.

"Keep quiet now, this is a baby area and we don't want them to be woken up. Most infants this age sleep a lot. So she'll likely wake up and want to be fed, changed, a good cuddle and right back to sleep." She told them, which seemed to be what Akari did. A lot.

They walked into a room with a small crib and a few chairs and a desk.

"You can place her there while you fill out some paperwork. The usual formalities. Luckily we all know who you both are so we don't really need any work information. She looked up at Emmet who stood near Akari and Ingo had a large folder full of papers.

"I already have the information you would need." the woman looked amazed at Ingo. She had heard these two were very efficient in their work. She wasn't aware of how good they were.

There was a shuffle behind them from the small crib. A soft cry and more shuffling told them that Akari had woken up.

"My turn." Ingo said as he got up and set the diaper bag down. Pulling out a diaper and the wipes he got to work while Emmet made the bottle. The woman smiled as she watched them work. Always such a good team. Ingo had given her the milk during breakfast which meant it was Ingos turn to change her.

Ingo placed Akari back into Emmets arms. Emmet ran his fingers over Akari's hat to pull it off for a moment. His way of giving her fresh air.

Akari clamped down on the bottle and curled into the warmth Emmet provided. She was definitely a cuddler.

"You both are naturals. Have you ever thought about adopting?" The woman asked. Ingo looked up at his brother as he sat back down in the chair to watch his brother feed the baby.

"Yes...we were discussing it last night. We didn't go into great detail yet, and we haven't looked at our budget." Emmet looked up at his brother. He had honestly thought Ingo had brushed it aside and forgotten it. "But first we need to find the mother." Ingo ran his fingers through the soft hair.

Emmet nodded as he pulled the bottle from Akari's mouth so he could burp her. "What was an accident? Wouldn't she be looking for her?" Emmet asked.

"Or what if...she felt that she couldn't...what if she knew that...we would help her?" Ingo asked.

"You mean like a duel custody?" The daycare worker asked. "I hear some people say that's more traumatic for children. Being juggled from one parent to the next not having a permanent foundation."

"Then she'll just stay." The woman laughed.

"Why is that funny?" Emmet asked, looking at his brother.

"You both are too innocent for your own good. Alright let's finish these forms." She looked down at the infant. "Hello Akari." Akari didn't seem interested, she just wanted her bottle.

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