Chapter 13: Who's the Father?

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Chapter 13

Who's the father?

The waiting room was sizable. One side was for the sick patience, the other side was for the well patience. Ariel sat there with Akari in her hands. The young mothers eyes were locked onto her face, the look on Akari's face told her that she was likely eating in her sleep. Not much else an infant can dream about. She was only a few days old.

It took a second for Ariel to realize her name had been called. She walked into the back being led by both Ingo who was at the front, and Emmet who was behind her. Ariel honestly wondered if this was their means of protecting her. Although she wasn't sure how.

"Alright can you take off her clothes and put her onto the scale?" This had Emmet pause and look at the infant.

"Is that safe? It's freezing." He asked, looking at the infant whose shoes were plucked from her tiny feet by Ariel.

"She'll be fine." the nurse giggled

A few moments was all it took. With 7lbs 10oz marked down on a piece of paper, and 19 and a half inches long.

"Alright we'll get to this as quickly as we can." A doctor walked in with a nurse. "We'll ask you a series of questions and we'll get you to answer them to the best of your ability." The doctor pulled out a tablet and started to poke at it asking Ariel a few personal questions.

Behind her was a nurse who was looking over Akari. The usual tests, it was the moment when the woman walked toward the door with Akari that had both men blocking her way.

"Where are you going with her?" They asked in unison.

"We were under the impression that you tried to leave her in a stockroom in the subway. This is an act of abandonment."

"That is false. We are the subway bosses. We have all the information you would need for this instance. She was by no means left in a stockroom." Ingo told the doctor.

"Doesn't matter, she was left somewhere within the subway."

"She was placed in our care until Ms. Ariel had the ability to get an apartment set up, into which she has now. You can even ask Officer Jenny. She has the full report." Emmet told the man.

"We still need to contact the father of the infant." Ingo pulled out a file and handed it to the doctor. Ingo wasn't one for lying, but Ariel wasn't sure if Cain would even have one of those.

"So...he's given up all rights to the infant?" The doctor said, Ingo nodded.

"We still need him to sign the birth certificate." The doctor told them.

"I will be the one to sign it." Emmet told the doctor. Both Ingo and Ariel were amazed by this. Ariel blushed and lightly picked up Akari.

"But you aren't her dad." Ariel whispered. Emmet looked at her and slowly ran his fingers over the infant's head.

"But I found her. When I looked at her for the first time it felt I was finding myself." Okay, that was an odd explanation.

"Alright we are. father Emmet Submas, mother Ariel Sho. Witness brother of father Ingo Submas. Born November 13th." The nurse giggled as she held out the paper.

Emmet looked at the paper and smiled as he signed his name, and Ingo signed his as witness. "There we go, now you will be able to go to school and stuff. Little Akari Sho." He wouldn't give her his name unless Akari wanted it that way.

"Alright, I think this calls for a party." He plucked Akari from his brother's arms and started toward the door. "Come on Akari. Uncle Ingo is going to take you to a nice quiet hot pot place."

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