Chapter 7: Lunch

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Chapter 7


Akari had no idea what was going on, when she opened her eyes in the middle of the day the two she had been very happy with weren't around. They were nowhere to be seen. She grew upset that her two...what were they?

A woman walked over as Akari began to grow upset. In her hands was something she knew, that bottle had food in it. She liked food, food was good. The woman said a few things she didn't understand, and then walked off. Was she not going to give her the food? Why not!?

Oh Akari was angry now! She kicked her feet and her cries grew insistent and demanding. There was no consoling her now. She wanted her bottle and she wanted it now! But oh...that didn't feel right...the atrocious smell, and the horrible sound that followed.

"Akari...what seems to be the malfunction?" Yes! It was one of her...whatevers. She thrashed her arms and cried some more. Ingo checked her diaper and picked her up carrying her and her diaper bag over to one of the changing stations and got straight to work. "Ingo, what's wrong?" Emmet brought over a bottle he had made for Ingo. It was his turn after all. Ingo however was changing her diaper.

" looks like she had a blow out." One of the attendants said as she placed the wipes next to him, he was going to need it.

Ingo however didn't flinch away from the disaster that lay before him.

"Emmet, a change of clothing if you please." He ordered his brother who dug around in the diaper bag and pulled out a second set of clothing. Holding out a bag for the soiled ones. Once the old clothing was in the bag, Emmet placed it into a second bag to seal the scent.

"Oh, some newborns have problems like this. You might want to take her to the doctors soon. She'll need a primary practitioner after all." The woman said as she cleaned the changing mat now that Akari was clean.

"Alright, kitten. Let's get you fed." Emmet said as he took Akari into his arms and started to feed her. Ingo ran his fingers over a wet cloth with sanitizer before he continued out the door following his brother toward the park

Sitting in the park not too far off Akari sat in Emmet's arms quite happily feeling better and most importantly, fed.

"She's eating so well." Ingo looked behind them and smiled.

"Ah, good afternoon Miss Ariel. I'm glad you found some time to get some sunshine. I hear it's the last bit we get this week as we're due for some snow." He told her as she sat down with a small lunch box she brought with her.

"I love snow, it looks so pretty. When I was young I never got to see snow because we were stuck indoors unless there was a field trip." She said as she bit into a sandwich. Ingo had known she was in an orphanage because of her paperwork.

"I see, so you like the snow?" Emmet said as he pulled the now empty bottle from the sleeping infant's mouth. Her mouth hung in the same position as if she was still suckling in her dreams. "I love snow, around that time we let out the colder natured pokemon that only like the snow. It'll be fun for them. Plus they can meet their new family." He lay Akari on his shoulder and lightly patted her back.

"So you're going to adopt her?" Ariel asked, picking up her apple juice.

"We're talking about it, but I to find the mother. See if she wants to be part of the family." He took a sip of his own drink. "We don't know what her predicament is, or why she had to drop her daughter off with us. What if she needs help?"

Ariel looked at him amazed, she had never thought they would try to find her.

"And then what? You just...give her back?" Ariel asked, looking down at Akari burped rather loudly and yawned.

"I uh...well...we don't want to force her into doing anything...we just want to know." Ariel's heart went a mile a minute. They were trying to find her...but her heart kept warning her that they were just going to force her to take Akari back...and then throw her in prison for negligence and Akari would end up in their hands anyways. That's what he said...the man who was Akari's father.

The look of horror on Akari's face worried Ingo.

"Don't worry, we aren't going to hurt her." Ariel grabbed her bag of lunch and quickly walked back toward the subway station.

"Ingo...did we say something?" Emmet asked

"I think...she has a...uh...issue with family." Ingo said as he plucked up Akari and cradled her. "Alright, lets let Miss. Ariel simmer while we take you back to the daycare now that lunch is over."

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