Chapter 14: Hot Pot

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Chapter 14

Hot Pot

Emmet bobbed Akari in his arms as he waited for the hot pot to heat up. They'd be able to add things to it then. Having her diaper changed, and belly full had the infant on the verge of sleep. Which meant that the new family could eat at their leisure. Ariel began to put some things into the hot pot that needed to slowly cook before adding a few meats.

"Where did you learn how to cook?" Ingo asked her as he sipped the hot tea that was placed in front of him.

"I had jobs in various places, but the one I loved most was a small soup shop not too far from here. The old couple that owned the place passed away which resulted in me not having a job anymore." She sipped her own tea. "It's not their fault, people get old." She pulled her jacket closer to herself. She felt something heavy on her shoulders. Ingo had placed his long jacket around her.

Ariel blushed, looking down at the empty bowl in front of her. She jumped when something was placed into the bowl.

"Apologies, I didn't mean to startle you." Emmet said as he put some into Ingo's bowl. A simple pepper dipping sauce, and a second of a butter.

"OH lookit her." One of the waitresses giggled. "Is she yours Emmet?" It would appear they frequented this restaurant.

"Sort of, I kind of just adopted her today." Emmet admitted, it was true. Ariel smiled as she watched the girls fawn over Akari.

Akari however wasn't taking any of it, she saw the strangers and her bottom lip poked out.

"Oh sweetie I'm not trying to take you away." The girl held up her hands to show she meant no harm. Akari curled in tighter and the soft cry that escaped her caused all three of the young waitresses to melt. Emmet pulled his jacket around the young infant and lightly patted her backside.

"Its alright Akari, we won't let anything happen to you." Emmet whispered softly, he could feel the soft wiggling till she was in a more comfortable spot.

"Daww, sorry. We didn't mean for that to happen." The ring leader said as she put another pot of tea on the table before walking toward the back of the restaurant.

"Is she okay?" Ariel asked. Emmet looked down at the little girl and smiled.

"Already asleep."


Walking home was freezing. Luckily Akari had Emmets jacket to keep her out of the cold, but Ariel had a thin jacket that had a few holes in it. Ingo offered her his jacket, but she refused. She would, wouldn't she?

They opened the front door to their flat, the room was cold, and dark.

"I'll set the fire, you go ahead and get into a nice hot bath." Ingo told Ariel, she peeked into her trash bag full of clothing and pulled out a pair of soft pants, and a regular shirt that had a sheep on the front of it.

"We'll get you into some warm night clothes too." Emmet whispered, walking over to the changing table.

Water flowing into the bathtub filled the air and the light scent of lavender wafted from the bathroom.

"At least our bellies are full, and we won't have to do much of anything until morning." Ingo said as he stood up and walked over to his brother's side. Akari kept watching Emmet's hands as he pulled her clothing on. A soft pink sleeper adorned her tiny self. It had several Mareep across

"There we go, all warm, your mama should be coming out of the bathroom soon to give you your bedtime dinner." Ingo sat down and watched Akari as she yawned but kept her eyes on them.

Ariel walked out of the bathroom putting her clothing on top of the hamper wrapped in the towel she used. She sat down and plucked up the little girl giggling softly. Nuzzling the infant close before beginning to feed her.

To Akari everything seemed just fine. SHe was getting food, diaper changes, cuddles, and sleep. All was alright with her little world. At least until her mother coughed.

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