Chapter 22: Okay, maybe...

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Chapter 22

Okay, maybe...

Christmas Day

There was a soft shuffling, nuzzling, and a soft coo. Emmet turned to see Akari laying under the blankets with him. That's right, he had night duty last night so Ariel could wake up early and put the turkey and ham in the oven.

He sniffed the air, it smelled both savory and sweet. He heard a light knock on the door, which meant that it was time to wake up. Oh but he was having a lovely time watching this little girl playing with the blankets that surrounded her. Her fingers ran over the soft embroidered train. He loved the way it felt, he was sure she did too.

" awake?" Ingo walked over and looked down at the little girl who let out an almighty squeal after she saw Ingo. She knew him now, this was her Uncle Ingo. He was soft and warm, although most times he was loud, but he also spoke softly to her. When on the subway he would cover her with his jacket and walk her into his office when he coos to her till she falls asleep and then lets her sleep against his chest as he does his work.

Then there was her papa! He was always loud, ready with a smile, gave her her first smile, and the one who held her all the time. When on the subway where a lot of women surround and fawn over him have begun to hang back now that they believe he's married. Even though he wasn't, and neither he nor Ariel were in that sort of relationship.

Ariel still worked at the subway, but as a secretary rather than sanitation. Mostly because she didn't want to be covered in subway junk and chemicals when she came back to the office to feed Akari. It was a higher paying job and she could very well pay for her own apartment and Akari...but she felt staying with the Subway Bosses worked well for them both. Plus she felt safer there, she was still incredibly skittish around people she didn't know.

Elesa was named Akari's godmother and took as much time as she dared away from the gym so she could spend it with her. Often took her out on weekends to dress her up, take her shopping, and more often than not to the ranch to meet her pokemon.

"Come on kiddo. Lets go get you a morning bath, and food. That way we can play." Emmet wiggled the infant's foot.

"Emmet, are you forgetting?" Ingo plucked the infant from his brother's arms. "It is my turn to take care of her today. You should go...and procure the P-R-E-S-E-N-Ts." He spelled out. As if Akari actually knew what he said to begin with.

Emmet giggled as he ran off to his hiding place. Ingo walked into the bathroom turning on the bath water. Lightly sprinkling in the bath bubbles and a few rubber ducks.

"This morning we have a lovely orange spritz bath for you madam." Ingo placed Akari into her soft bath bed. Since she was still too young to lift her head. Or even play with the bath toys. He just put them in there to give her something to look at. She would grab for them and run them up and down the water, or splash around in the bubbles. But that was all she could do at only two months old.

He heard a soft giggle from behind him. Ariel looked down at her.

"Good morning my sunshine." She softly leaned over and booped Akari's nose before going back into the kitchen again. Ingo chuckled watching Akari as she ran her fingers over the soap suds that only reached her belly button.

Ingo left the bathroom with Akari freshened in her Santa outfit. A bib that read 'baby's first Christmas' on it.

"Look at you, you look so cute!" Ingo handed her off to Ariel who switched places with Ingo so she could feed Akari.

"You know I think she has your smile, Emmet." She called out to Emmet who looked up from his wrapping behind the couch. Emmet humored her, he knew that Akari wouldn't really. Ariel just wanted him to feel special.

Emmet walked around the couch and placed another present under it. There were a ton under there.

"Oh?" He leaned in and looked at Akari who gave him a small milky smile. "Hey there kiddo. If you do that smile you're going to lose your food right down your mama's shirt."

"Again..." Yup, again. It happened a lot. Emmet would get her all giggling, and squealing.

"But what about presents?" Ingo asked. He did love presents and although the man hardly ever smiled, he gave a soft minute smile to Akari when he suspected no one was looking. One time when Emmet got home from his shift he found Ingo cuddling Akari smiling so big. He could have sworn he was looking in the mirror. He never told Ingo he saw, it was a secret, one that only Akari knew.

"We'll get there, right now we have..." The door burst open and Elesa walked in holding up boxes.

"Merry Christmas!" She called out giggling as she did. "Oh lookit you! All dolled up! Even with a tiny Christmas hat!" She giggled putting down the huge presents under the tree. Not much room under there anymore with how much Ingo and Emmet had been doting on Akari.

Ariel watched from her small corner on the couch as she fed her daughter she thought she'd never be able to keep. Not only were they in a home, with a crackling fire, dinner in the oven, and loads of presents under the tree. The best part that she thought she'd never have. Family.

Ariel nuzzled up to her daughter who was watching the brightly colored Elesa as she sat down next to her talking a mile a minute about the presents she had gotten Akari. Ariel felt happy for once in her whole life. She smiled softly, feeling a warmness she thought only happened in movies.

She was safe. Akari was safe, and she'll never have to worry about Cain ever again.

Part 2: 'WildFlower' coming Sept 1st.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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