Chapter 21: Together?

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Chapter 21


A Few Days Later

Ariel felt sticky and she had a horrible headache. She slowly opened her eyes into the bright lights. The whole room smelled of disinfectant, and the blankets were incredibly heavy.

She ran her fingers over her face to bush some of the sweat from it. A cloth fell from it, she felt a hand over hers. She heard someone's voice but her ears felt like they were stuffed with cotton. She looked at the person, her mind drew a blank. Just who was this handsome man? Oh there were two of them who looked just alike? Was she seeing double?...a baby too.

It was as if everything came up at one time and she looked around at the slowly falling snow. Winter...that meant Christmas would be coming soon. She wouldn't be able to buy anything, but she did love the decorations and music.

"Ariel...Ariel?" She turned and her memory slammed back in on her like a door slamming open.

She had been tied to a radiator. She broke free, but when she tried to get out the floor caved in, and it got stuck on the side of the bed while she dangled over the fire. She couldn't remember anything else.

"Ingo...Emmet?" She asked. Both of them sighed and sat back down on their chairs. Akari made a squeaky noise and cried a little.

"Oh hey there squeaky." Ariel whispered. "Mommy's okay, I just had to take a very long...long nap." She told her baby, cuddling close to her. "How long has it been?" Ariel asked.

"Close to three days." Ingo told her as he brought Akari over to her. "Don't fear, your milk supply is still sound. I do apologize but Emmet felt your baby would do better with mothers milk. The nurses have been uh...helping." That was understandable, the baby had to eat. Even if it was supplemental.

"What about...Cain?" She asked, looking up at them. Her heart hit the floor when Emmet just ran his fingers over his knuckles. He really wanted to punch the man before.

"Well, when I was chasing him in my car to get Akari back...he tried to throw her out of the window." He held up his hands and shook his head after seeing the horrified look on Ariels face as she began to look over Akari's form.

"She's okay, he didn't get to do that. One of my pokemon caught her." He motioned to the large colorful bird on his shoulders.

Ariel looked up at the huge pokemon and reached out for him. He jumped onto the bed and curled up giving her the chance to thank him properly.

"Remind me to give you a treat when we get home." She scratched his chin.

"Treat!" The Archeops called out and nuzzled Ariels fingers.

"Oh you're going to spoil him now." Emmet chuckled only to go stiff when he felt something lightly brush his cheek. He nearly melted when he realized it was Ariels lips.

"And thats for saving her, this and the other time." She looked up at Ingo as he held up his hands.

"No thanks are needed from me. Saving lives is just what we do." Ariel sat back down and rubbed her forehead. The headache was just so annoying.

"Now we'll have to figure something out about your lodgings. If it is okay with may come live with us." Ingo started as he pulled out a booklet.

"We had figured you didn't want to live in the apartment you have now. Its been damaged, and you had been sleeping in our house. But we'd like..." Emmet started, he looked at his brother for a moment.

"We'd like you to stay with us...permanently. You and Akari, no strings attached." Ariel looked amazed for a moment. She looked down at Akari who looked up at her as if to ask 'please'

For a moment Ariel went through a range of emotions that the twins didn't understand. She looked angry, lost, afraid, confused, scared, and then finally sadness. Tears ran down her face. She looked up at them and she shook her head.

"But you'll get tired of me, and throw me away." Ingo sat on one side of her bed and put his arm around her. Emmet sat on the other side doing the same thing. "I understand your desire to be parents. I knew you'd keep her, but me? Why me?"

"Because..." Okay why? Why did they want her to stay? Was there a reason more than her being Akari's mother? Was there something more then just...

"We love you." Emmet said. Ingo smiled and nodded. Yeah that was it, they weren't sure if it was 'that' kind of love, and it would be a weird case if it was.

"Its not a husband and wife thing for me, but more like a family sort of thing." Ingo told her.

"I mean...I am her father after all...soooo..." Emmet looked at Ariel who blushed.

"So it that for you?" Ariel asked. Emmet just shrugged and ran his fingers over his pokemons feathers.

"I mean we've only known each other for at least two weeks. Lets sit on that idea, hum? I don't want to rush into anything."

Okay that sounded good to Ariel, a family friend. Actually it was a bit of a relief. She wasn't looking for that kind of relationship after the one she had before. She wanted to get to know them before they decide on anything.

"Oh..." She looked down and looked at her daughter who was kneading on her breast.

"I think we're going to have to up your milk portions. You're getting bigger." He patted Akari's back.

"Perhaps we should call Ms. Elesa. Shopping spree time for her new niece." Emmet said as he put a pillow under Akari.

"Oh..." Ariel looked up at them. "Christmas is soon...can we...get a tree?" She asked. Both of the twins smiled and looked at one another. That was something they never really had time for because of work. But now they had Akari. They'd have to do this for them. It was actually quite exciting.

"Decorations..." Ingo smiled brightly

"Lights!" Emmet joined in.

"Babies first Christmas!" They both said.

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