Chapter 4: Don't Cry

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Chapter 4

Don't Cry

The place was brand new, and scary. Baby Akari woke up and no one was to be seen. The nice man who cleaned her, or the other one that fed her, even the nice lady with the kind smile. No one was around, and to top it all off...

A bright flash and a loud boom caused the room to shake and shutter. The loud raindrops hit the window loud and forcefully. Akari's bed was brand new and warm, but she wanted make these loud noises to stop.

The little girl's bottom lip poked out and she started to whimper. Big tears began to slide down her cheeks. Silently crying because the storm scared her. If she cried loudly then the big monster would find her...right?

She saw a face appear above her. Excellent! It was the one with the food!

"Oh, is the storm scaring you?" Emmet wiggled his brother's foot. Ingo slowly looked out from under his blanket. He had a habit of snuggling rather tightly in his blankets. Unlike his brother who always turned into a propeller in the middle of the night turning circles with his arms and legs hanging off.

"Wassamatter? Tornado?" He heard the thunder off in the distance.

"Nah, Akari's afraid of the storms." Ingo looked down at the little infant who's bottom lip was poked out, her cheeks were soaked, and her arms were drawn in. She was even shaking why were they just staring at her. Were they not going to pick her up?

Another boom off in the distance caused the infant to jump and curl in tightly again, the tears went down her cheeks, and she started to cry again.

"Yup she's scared. Chandelure, darling. Can you light the way so we can bring her downstairs?" There was a soft trill as the pokemon that was previously hovering overhead had also been woken up by the storm.

Electross remained sleeping curled up in his fluffy bed covered in countless Joltik.

A loud boom caused the whole room to shake and the small light in the corner to go out along with the whole power grid.

A loud cry echoed within the room. Emmet felt the infant's body try its best to get closer to the warmth he was providing. Emmet felt his brother pull him toward the couch.

"Best thing to do is sit and wait it out." Ingo told his brother. They both sat down on the couch and curled in with the tiny baby shivering between them.

A soft purple glow floated overhead. Akari looked up and at Chandelure who was lighting the room. The infant watched the pokemon as it weaved back and forth, back and forth...back...and for...

"Good girl." Ingo whispered to his pokemon. "If we're lucky she'll..." A loud boom caused Akari to jump and cry out in fear.

Chandelure made a sound that was very much like she was cursing out the storm. Ingo nodded and sighed.

"I know darling, you did good...the storm however is thwarting your efforts I'm afraid." Ingo told her and sat up softly nuzzling the crying infant.

Emmet kissed the top of the little girl's head and whispered to her that she was safe, and sound with them. Ingo pulled the blanket up and jumped when he felt something. Throwing back the blankets he groaned.

"I really must complain to this diaper company." Ingo said as he stood up accompanied by Chandelure he went to get a fresh diaper, clothing, and bottle.

Emmet started to pull the infant out of her clothing. The infant wasn't having any of it. She didn't want to be anywhere near that window. It was a bad window and it yelled a lot.

"Akari...its okay. Uncle Emmet will not let anything happen to you. I promise." He even gave his trademark huge smile. The infant's bottom lip poked out and she sniffled. Emmet couldn't help but feel like he was the one who was scaring her. He wanted to go find a corner and stand in it.

"Alright lets get this on h..." He spotted his brother sniffling as he rocked the new naked Akari wrapped up in a blanket.

"She's so sad and scared...and I can't help..." Emmet rocked the little girl. "How are we going to raise her Ingo?"

Ingo looked confused at his brother. "What are you talking about? Officer Jenny said this was a temporary thing." Ingo said as he put the bottle into the bottle warmer.

"But...But Ingo..."

"She isn't a pokemon, Emmet. She's a living breathing infant." Ingo countered as he looked down at the baby. He couldn't help but have felt the same way as Emmet.

"What if they find the mama?" Emmet asked, looking down at Akari.

"What if they do?" Ingo said as he pulled the nighty down around Akari's body. There was a small pink train along one side.

"Can't...Can't we help?" Emmet said as he picked up the bottle and tested the milk.

"What if the reason why she didn't want her was because she just didn't care."

"That's a conversation for another time. Lets get her back to sleep Emmet. We'll talk about it over breakfast in the morning."

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