Chapter 3: Let her Sleep

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Chapter 3

Let her Sleep

Oh she was crying now! As soon as they reached their apartment building she started to cry, but not like before. Before was probably her 'I'm cold' cry, this was 'I'm wet, and hungry' cry. Luckily there were three of them and this little girl could be changed while the other made the bottle.

"Make sure the water is warm enough." Ingo informed his brother who started to make the bottle. Pulling out the canister of formula, and the bottle and liner.

"What's the liner for?" He asked. Elesa looked up at him.

"It's to make sure the bubbles aren't in there. Mind you you'll still have to stop to burp her twice or she'll just spit it all up." Elesa said as she showed Emmet how to do it.

"What about water?" Ingo asked. "Shouldn't we give her some w..." He noticed just how dirty the baby was.

"Uh...bath first then diaper." Ingo said as he turned on the sink in the bathroom.

"Do you even know how to give an infant a bath?" Elesa asked.

"How hard could it be?" Ingo asked as he lowered the infant into the water and held her neck so she didn't fall into the water. At least that's what the mother was doing on the side of the baby shampoo bottle.

Elesa walked in holding the soap, washcloths, and even a huge bright blue towel.

"Alright I'll leave it to you then. Oh she's got a little hair." She looked down as Ingo started to wash the baby of the dirt, grim, blood, and fluids that were now all over the baby from her birthing and the floor she was born onto.

"Poor dear...came into this world unwanted." Elesa put her head on Ingo's shoulder. "It's going to be hard on her as life goes on. She'll always wonder why, forever being alone." Elesa sighed as she watched her friend wash the infant.

"At least in this very beginning, she's not alone. She is warm, soon to be fed, and also a good bed to sleep in thanks to you." Elesa giggled and waved him off with the towel.

"Come on. It's going to be cold tonight. Let's put her with Emmet and start the fire. She needs the extra warmth." Elesa watched as Ingo picked up the infant and walked into the living room. The infant simply tolerated Ingo as he put on her diaper, and new clothing that Elesa picked out. But Ingo could tell that she was about to throw one hell of a fit if she didn't get fed and now. Her face was turning red.

Emmet sat down in a chair, Ingo placed the infant onto his lap and watched for a moment to make sure the infant was eating properly.

Emmet watched his brother set the fireplace before looking back down. He felt Elesa put her head on his shoulder as she watched the baby eat.

"You know we can't just sit here and call her baby. We'll have to give her a name, it's completely rude." She said as she looked up at Emmet who shook his head.

"I am horrible with names. Ingo is so much better than me yup yup." He looked at Ingo who set a small bit of wood under the logs and set the lit match to it.

"I was thinking of it, but I wasn't sure if it would be appropriate." He told them. He stood up and sat on the other side of Emmet. The infant looked to be sleeping softly as she suckled. "Yet in my head, I have been calling her Akari. It means...light. She is in fact that." He reached out, running his fingers over the infant's soft slightly wet hair.

The infant's eyes opened and locked onto Ingo's.

"Oh it's like she already knows her name. So cute!" Elesa said as she rocked back and forth. "Emmet, what do you think?"

"I think we're in trouble..." Emmet told them, both looked at him slightly confused. Did he not like the name?

Emmet lifted the baby so they could now see the wet spot.

"Oh dear..." Ingo sighed. "She leaked."

"And you'd think the diaper brand that boasts 'less leaks, and leak blockers' would actually work better..." Elesa sighed.

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