Chapter 12: Dark

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Chapter 12


It was a little odd to sleep in someone else's apartment, but she had been told this was now her room. They would take turns sleeping in the same room as Akari. Tonight it was Emmet. They had apparently slept in the same room the first night. They were such good brothers, and she found herself surprised to have become part of this little...weird...and odd family.

She sat up in bed wondering just what was going on. She had just opened her eyes a moment ago, why was it daylight and her phone going off. A call from the next room had her up and out of her room quickly.

"You have a doctor's appointment in an hour and a half. Go take a shower and come eat." Doctors appointment? Her heart skipped a beat and she looked out into the kitchen.

"But I don't have money to..."

"You have insurance through the subway. We insure all of our employees because we work in a very accident prone area. From chemical burns from cleaner, to falling onto the tracks. We make sure you have the best care possible." Apparently it was Ingo's turn to make breakfast. Especially after what happened the day before when Emmet burned the eggs.

"What do you think? The purple one or blue one?" Emmet asked holding up a few warm outfits for Akari.

"Will she be warm enough?" Ariel asked, touching the outfits. They were rather thick and one even came with a tiny hooded jacket. With Sneasel ears. "I think this one is thicker." She told Emmet who walked back over to the changing table.

"Here we go, Akari. Picked out just for you by mama." that was something she thought she would never hear.

Ariel looked over Ingo's shoulder seeing the lightly falling snow.

"Theirs that snow they promised us." She said with a soft smile.

"Ever go ice skating?" Ingo asked, filling up her coffee cup and putting eggs, and bacon on her plate.

"When I was really young they took the orphanage to the skating rink. One of the teenagers messed with the ice thermometer so we ended up getting kicked out. Which was sad because I really liked it." She picked up a roll and broke it in half and stuffed the egg, and bacon into it.

"You don't have to be in such a hurry, we won't be leaving for some time." Ingo said watching his brother sit down with a now fully clothed and freshly bathed Akari.

"Akari, reporting for duty." Emmet said playfully, handing her off to Ariel to feed. Ingo placed a pillow onto her lap and sat back down.

"Now...about the name." Ingo said as he put a napkin over his lap.

"I like it. Mind you I never really planned on giving her a name, so I never had one ready. I was just..." she stopped and looked over her baby. "I'm actually glad she looks more like my dad than Cain because..."

"You don't need to explain yourself, Ariel. We understand perfectly what you are going through. long as Akari is a good name for you we'll have to report to the city clerk office and obtain her birth certificate. She doesn't have one and she'll need one as time goes on." Ingo yawned and stretched.

"Has she been keeping you both up? I can...I can take her at night if you want." Ingo drank deeply from the coffee letting his brother answer this one.

"Ingo's not a morning person. I have to roll out the coffee if I'm going to get him to function at all." Emmet told her as he wiggled Akari's foot. "But oddly enough since she's showed up he's been waking up early. Almost like he's got a reason to get up in the morning." He sipped his own coffee and looked at his brother. "A very small reason."

"Quite tiny." Ingo admitted as he blew on his soup.

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