you're my peace of mind

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Noah's POV
I froze in place as I heard that beautiful voice I thought I'd never hear again... Eleanor.

I slowly turn around and see that beautiful angel that stole my heart

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I slowly turn around and see that beautiful angel that stole my heart.
Her hair was very dark but her eyes were those sweet, kind, so innocent ones I used to stare at as I'd love her.
She came back for me, just like Folio told me!

I walked to her, cupped her face and kissed her hard but full of passion

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I walked to her, cupped her face and kissed her hard but full of passion. She immediately cups my face and kisses back with desperation. "God I thought I lost you " I said breathless as I held her against me so tightly.
"God Noah, I'm so sorry " she cried into my shoulder with her arms around my waist. "Baby " I whispered as a sad smile crawled onto my face as I kissed her again. "How'd you? " I laughed as I stared at her beautiful face below me. "I missed you so much babe, I knew you had no way of finding me and*sniff* I had to come find you." She cried this time with happiness in her eyes. "God Eleanor, I f*cking love you." I kissed her forehead as Folio came into my room.
"Hey bud? I just wanted, WHAT THE F*CK? " he yelled and came to give eleanor a big hug. "Folio!" She smiled hugging him back. "SHE REALLY DOES LOVE YOU PAL!' He says before letting her go from his embrace. "How ya been!" He smiles holding her hands as Jolly and Nicholas come in. "NO F*CKING WAY?" Jolly smiled as Eleanor came to hug him. "Jolly!" She giggles before he let's her go and Nicholas stood there in shock.
"Hey nicholas!" Eleanor waves,
"So you're back? " he questions as I come and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. "Don't be a d*ck " I said as he just turns around and walks out.

"The f*ck is his problem? " Jolly read our minds too. Why the f*ck is he mad at Eleanor? "Sorry, I don't know what's wrong with him tonight. He's been weird since I- I instantly stopped talking cause I don't want to tell her what I did a few months ago. "Noah, it's Okay. I heard, I'm just happy your alive. " she whispered in my ear as I bring her in for a hug. "I'm so sorry Eleanor " I kissed the top of her head before Folio spoke again. "Well we gotta go... but you two should do a lot of catching up." He smirks at us, making me laugh with Eleanor. "Yes we should " I looked down at Eleanor as she still had her arms around my waist. "You ready to go Baby?" I asked quietly as she smiles and nodded up at me. "We'll see you guys tomorrow aye?" I asked as Jolly and Folio head the opposite direction. "Yes we will, have fun you guys." Jolly waves as Folio smiles and walks off with Jolly. I don't know where Nicholas went, but I really don't care right now. All I care about is Eleanor....

We held hands as we ran to her jeep parked in the empty parking lot in the front of the arena. "FREEDOM!!!" I yelled as we were laughing and making our way to her car. "I drive" she laughs as we quickly get into the jeep. "Yeah baby !" I smiled as she starts the engine and starts to pull out.

We had a very short drive to the hotel she was staying at for tonight since she still lived with her father, she explained as we were driving.

I unlocked the door and gently grabbed Eleanor's hand, pulling her to the middle of the room. The moonlight was the only way I could see her beautiful self in this dark room. I spin her around as she giggled holding my hand. "Look at you" I whispered as she stands in front of me with the cutest smile. "I'm so happy to see you again, Noah" she whispered putting her arms around my neck. "Me too, Eleanor " I kiss her lips softly as we stood in the middle of the room together.

"Noah, please touch me " she whispered I grabbed her hand and kissed her nuckels. "I'm gonna show you how much I missed you." I smirked and picked her tiny self off her feet.. she giggles as I set her down on the bed and unclipped her belt. She pulls me by the collar of my shirt above her and pulls the shirt over my head. "God I missed this" she whispered running her hands all over my chest. "Mmm" I hummed as I suck on her neck. I felt her undoing my belt as I managed to kick off my shoes, "leave that hear, imma use it later" I smirked as she sets the belt above her head. I quickly removed her boots and tights before coming up to remove her shirt. She runs her fingers through my hair as I got her shirt off, revealing her black lace bra.
"Good choice" I whispered and unclipped it before tossing it on the floor beside us. I picked her up slightly so I could get in between her, she was very tiny compared to me.
"You doing alright Ellie? " I asked as I saw her cringe. "Yeah, I forgot how big you are." She says breathless as I stay in place. "I'm glad and very sorry at the same time." I chuckled as a smirk appears on her face. "No you're not " she could read me. "Nah" we laughed as I started but slowly.....

Jolly's POV
"Hey Nicholas! What's your problem?" I questioned as Folio and I stand in front of Nick sitting on the couch. "What's not wrong?" He says annoyed. "You just let the thing that almost killed my best friend back into his life? No! She would've been the reason for his death if he didn't make it." Nicholas explains. "No. Dude listen, I love Noah too but even he'd say that was his decision not Eleanor's and you have no right to blame her. She couldn't even be here for him that night and I'm sure she's heartbroken about it, but their together now and you can't do anything about it. " Folio defends her before I spoke up again.
"Yeah! She's a good woman and actually cares about him. Besides Nicholas, where the f*ck were you when Noah was bleeding all over the hotel floor huh?" I questioned as he quickly stood up and punched me.
"DON'T F*CKING TALK TO ME ABOUT IT! YOU KNOW WHY" he yells as I quickly stand up. "ENOUGH GUYS! Walk it off Jolly" Folio pulls me outside of the bus for some fresh air.
"Thanks man" I pat his shoulder as we stand outside in the cooler night breeze."let's just get an uber. " Folio says walking with me towards the sidewalk.

"I hope he doesn't keep acting like an *sshole, he wasn't there for Noah then and I sure don't think he will be now" I said as Folio nods, "I agree, one can only hope. " he shrugs as a uber driver was heading our way......

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