We made this

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Eleanor's POV

I woke up on sleeping Noah's tattooed chest. I decided to get ready for today since I'm leaving with the boys tonight. Just gotta go pack my clothes at Dad's place then off we go.

I walked to the bathroom to wash all makup (excluding my eyebrows) off.
After I did that, I went to pee. As I did, I just realized that I hadn't gotten my period? Now that I think about it, I think I'm two weeks late. I grabbed my phone off the sink and checked my calendar. As my eyes search for my last cycle, Dad sent three messages.
"Honey, are you alright?

I've been trying to call you?

Plz call sweetheart "

"Hey Dad, I'll be home in two hours.
Love you." I quickly typed before going back to my calendar. Sure enough, I was two weeks late.

Was I just late or pregnant? I'll check when I get home, my mom left some testers in the bathroom after she left us.

I went to get dressed by wearing one of Noah's baseball hats and his t shirt.
"Lookin good baby" I turned around as I heard Noah's morning voice speak. "So do you handsome. " I kissed his lips before walking to put my shoes on. "You going to pack up?" He asked sitting up a little straighter.
"Yeah, I'll be back in two hours though." I smiled as he pushed his sexy hair back. "Sounds good babe, imma catch up on sleep." He says lying back down. "Sure babe. See ya in a bit. Love you" I kissed his forehead. "Love you too" and just like that I headed out.

In some way I'm glad Noah didn't come, cause if I'm pregnant...
I don't know how he'll react. Anyhow I called an uber and got a ride back to Dad's house.

Once I stepped inside, Dad bear hugged me. "Honey where were- he instantly stopped talking when a look of confusion read his face. "Dad I'm fine. Nothing h- "your boy back in town huh?" He crossed his arms in suspicion. "How'd you know? " I said quietly. "His cologne is all over you like blood at a crime scene. I'm not stupid, Ellie." I stared up at him speechless. How am I gonna tell him I'm leaving?

"Dad I'm leaving with him." I said pushing past him to my room. "WHAT? No you legally can't do that Ellie" he says following me to my closet.
"Yes I can dad, we're getting married so you can't do anything about it."
I threw my clothes in my suitcase quickly. "Why Eleanor? That's ridiculous." I ignored him and grabbed my two pairs of shoes before exiting my room. "ELLIE? " he calls as I quickly walk into the bathroom, locking the door. I grabbed my makeup bag and set it on the sink before going into the medicine cabinet.

There were three testers sitting untouched in the back. I reach for two of them and went to try and pee. Hopefully that coffee helps. Thank God I peed and waited for a few minutes. "ELLIE DON'T IGNORE ME " Dad's voice was muffled as my timer went off. I slowly looked at the screen of both of them and they said positive. I don't think I realized that a huge smile appeared on my face as I read it. I kinda wanted to be a mother?

I stood up to my feet still smiling as my diamond ring was shining from the sun's reflection. "Thank you" I said looking up at the heavens.

I wrapped up the test and shoved them into my suitcase before grabbing my makup bag and exiting the bathroom. "Ellie this is insane!" Dad says putting his hands over his head.
"Dad, it's for the best alright. I'll text you later." I said before exiting the house.

Now I've gotta go tell Noah.

I asked Noah to meet me outside the hotel by the race car track. He agreed and that's what we're doing now.

"Hey Baby!" He smiles as I walked up to him. "Hey sweetie!' We kissed before walking together down the parking lot.

 "Hey sweetie!' We kissed before walking together down the parking lot

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"So how'd that go?" He asked wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Ok. I told him and he already guessed before I could say a word." I explained. "Well at least he knows, I don't care if he still hates me." I loved how rebellious Noah was, it made him even sexier.

"Yeah, the real reason I asked you to meet me was because I had something important to tell you." I said making Noah freeze in his steps. "Are you okay?" He asked putting his hands on my shoulders. "Yeah, I'm good. Just..."
"Just what hon?" He cups my face as my eyes meet his. "I'm pregnant " as soon as the words left my mouth, Noah had a huge smile on his face.
"Are you serious? " I nodded with a smile. "Oh my god, I'm so excited babe!" He picks me up and spun us in a circle. "Really? " I asked as he set me down. "Yes! I'm gonna be a father." He kisses me as I hugged him tightly. "Ellie that's amazing! " we kissed for another ten minutes before calling the guys to head back to Virginia...

Noah and I were cuddled up together in our seats on the plane. Folio sitting with Jolly in front of us as we all just enjoyed our time together.

Noah and I were listening to the titanic soundtrack cause he hates flying and it helps calm him down.
As the beautiful music plays, I fell asleep on his chest.....

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