We can start again

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Noah's POV
I was out of the hospital and my arm was pretty much fully recovered.
It's been three and a half weeks and let me just put it this way...
Eleanor and I wasted no time on trying to get pregnant again.

Right now I'm sitting with her in the bathroom waiting for the clock to go off, she thinks she may be pregnant so all we have to do is wait.
"I hate how long this takes" Eleanor giggles as I kissed her head. "I know, better hype though " I replied as she held my hands over her stomach.
"You think this is it?" I could tell she was scared and if I'm being honest, I was too.

A few minutes later the clock goes off.
"Here we go" Ellie says as she slowly turns the test over. Positive read across the screen. "Oh thank God " she let's out a happy breath. "See we got this baby !" She giggles as I pulled into a bear hug. "Please just pray, we know it's more risky for us." We smiled and kissed before standing to our feet.

"Speaking of pregnant... wanna try go again? " I smirked. "Get me as pregnant as I'll ever be? Why the hell not!" She jumps into my arms as I carried her bridal style to the bed....

Nick's POV
I'm so happy how things are going for Noah and Eleanor, they need to be present in each other's lives.

I've been doing better too, I met a girl and my feelings towards Noah have faded for the most part. Joanna is great! She's on vacation with me right now but not in New York, we're in the Bahamas. "Honey? You ready" she smiles as I held her hand and headed down to the beach with her....

Jolly's POV
I've been working with Noah on some new materials, but I know he and Eleanor want a baby so I'm just waiting for him to give further instruction. Now I'm just gonna go on a hike with my two dogs Rio and Chester and enjoy our evening together....

Folio's POV
It's been quit a ride for the last few months, but its worth it. Noah and Eleanor got married, Nick has overcome his feelings for Noah, Jolly adopted two dogs, and I'm building up muscle! I've just been focusing on working out since the guys and I are on a break for our new album.
We'll get back to it when Noah's ready, but I'm ready whenever he is....

Eleanor's POV
Noah and I layed underneath the covers while holding hands. We were just so happy to be pregnant again and truly know that this is a miracle.

"Boy or girl?" Noah asked tracing my jaw. "Boy... I have a feeling. How about you? " I rubbed his cheek as some sweat drips from his head.
"I feel like it's a 50/50 ya know? Probably a boy probably a girl." He shrugs. "Yeah, I'm just happy we could get pregnant again." We kissed before falling asleep in each other's arms.....

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