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Noah's POV
Eleanor and I got dressed and went down to Jolly's room. He and the guys came to the same hotel we stayed at last night.

We were sitting on his bed eating pancakes and talking about Nick's weird behavior last night.
"So did you talk with Nick? You know, about last night. " I asked putting the fork into my mouth before Jolly spoke. "Yep, he punched me and that was it. So yeah... that happened. " he shrugs. "He f*cking punched you?"
"Yeah, cause I called him out on it" Jolly explains as we heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it" Eleanor smiles before climbing off the bed to go get the door.

"He doesn't want her here. He said she was the reason you almost died." I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "I decided that! Not her" I almost yelled as we heard the door being closed and footsteps heading our way.
"Sup boys!" Folio smiles with Eleanor walking beside him. "Hey bro" I nod as he comes to eat with us. "Sorry, it was busy downstairs so I had to wait." He explained as we all were now sitting and eating together. "Where's Nick?" Folio wondered. "I have no idea" was all I said before looking at eleanor. "Is he okay? I don't think he was too thrilled about seeing me? " she laughs but I could tell it bothered her. "You know Eleanor, that's his problem. He was sh*tty to me when I was in the hospital and didn't help me at all when I had to rest at home. Jolly and Folio were amazing. I just never expected that from my best friend, ya know?" I said as I pulled eleanor onto my lap. "You might have to talk with him... privately " Folio says with a mouthful of pancakes. "Yeah" I mumbled as Jolly looks at the three of us. "Who wants to go swimming?"
"I think it's a bit chilly outside, Jolly?" Eleanor says as we stared back at him.
"No, here. There's a pool downstairs"
"Sure!" Folio of course was in.
"Okay" I replied as Eleanor says "Alright yeah!" "Great, let's leave in fourty five minutes okay?" We all nodded and continued to finish our breakfast.

Nick's POV
I don't have anything against Eleanor, but my best friend nearly took his life cause of her. I know it wasn't her fault but I wanted to blame her for it, it just wasn't settling for me.

I walked downstairs towards the pool area and saw the guys and Eleanor playing with each other. "GIVE ME THE F*CKING BALL!" Folio yells as he picked up Eleanor. "THAT'S CHEATING!" She laughs as Noah and Jolly blocked them in the corner.
"Superman is coming babe " Noah teases while bringing her into his arms and kissed her passionately.

I just don't want him to be hurt again.

"Yo Nick? Whatcha doing " Folio calls swimming towards the steps. "I ugh...
I was just passing by. What are you guys doing? " I questioned as he climbs out of the pool. "Having fun! Go apologize to them, then get your *SS in here." He smirks. "CANNONBALL !" He yells and jumps into the pool with a loud splash.
"Damn right on the stomach, Folio" Jolly cringed as Folio came back up.
"OOOWWW!!" He yells as I looked up to see Noah glaring at me. "Noah?"
I point to the door wanting to speak with him about all of this. He whispered something to Eleanor before setting her down and came swimming down to the same steps Folio used to come see me.

"I just- "Not in here" he cuts me off and walks to the entrance of the pool area with me to talk. Once we were inside, he turns to me. "What the f*ck is your problem? " he shrugs. "Look Noah, as your best friend I'm worried about you. " he already looks annoyed. "Why? You sure as sh*t weren't when I was in the hospital."
"Don't do that Noah! You promised me you wouldn't try that again and you did. I have every right to feel this way." He crossed his arms and said,
"No you don't! Stop being a D*ck to eleanor, it's not her fault."
"How is this not her fault? You nearly off yourself cause of her." He looks even angrier now. "IT WAS MY F*CKING CHOICE NICK! I DID THAT TO MYSELF, I WANTED TO DIE THAT NIGHT AND I DIDN'T CAUSE OF HER."
I didn't expect him to yell like that.
"How's that cause of her?" I questioned as Noah punched the wall beside me. "GET OUT NICK! " I just stood there in denial. "ARE YOU F*CKING STUPID? "he yells as I slowly start to walk off, but stopped at the door. "No. You are" and with that I walked out.

I really love my friend, I just wish he could see it.....

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