The truth hurts

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Eleanor's POV
I was eating with Dad, but I hadn't said a word. "Ellie, it's for the best."
"Dad, it's not like you just let the love of your, father of your dead child, and best friend just disappear. It's gonna take some time." He nodded but was stupid enough to keep mentioning it.
"Rumor was that his grandfather was abusive, but he was probably always messed up." I wiped my eye as a tear was forming. "Dad, he didn't deserve to be beat... I understand part of that and how hopeless you feel, so please just stop talking about it." he finally got the point and stopped.
We then made small talk and finished dinner....

Noah's POV

It was 1:32am and I'm still wasn't finished with this song. "I can wait for you at the bottom, I can stay away if you want me to, I can wait for years if I gotta. Heaven knows I ain't getting over you " was definitely gonna be the chorus, but I need more to complete it officially. "I know the pain you hide behind the smile on your face, and not a day goes by where I don't think I feel the same." I sang while typing it in. I really wanted to call her, kiss her, hold her, tell her it was gonna be alright, but I think I blew it. This song is my apology, but God only knows if she'll except it. "Noah, man go to bed already. " I heard the door open revealing Folio half awake. "Folio I can't "I mumbled as I continued typing. "Can I help?" He walks over to me while yawning. "I just want her to know how sorry I am " I said as he sits beside me. "I love Eleanor, but she hit you for what reason?" He questions "I never told her about my past, and how violent it was... that just crushed her and now she's gone."
"Why don't you call her?" I shook my head. "It'll distract me and all of the sudden.... I have this internal peace, like I said a pray and now I feel like I'm in good hands. God did something for me and whatever he did is helping me move forward, but I'm still getting Ellie back... I'm at least gonna try."
"I'm so happy to hear that, Noah." He smiles at me as I return the gesture.
"Now! Let's get this sh*t done." He says all serious making me laugh before pulling up my screen on the computer.

"I'm satisfied... Thank you so much Folio" I said standing up and gave him a hug. "No problem bro, I'm happy to help. Now I'll see ya in the morning... or in three hours. " we laughed and said Goodnight. I had something to share tomorrow, something special for my best friend.... Eleanor.

I saved the lyrics into my computer and shut it down with a sense of pride. I was happy with this and it felt right....

Eleanor's POV
"And here's a newly released video from Bad Omen's hit single 'Limits '
Watch more for touching message from frontman after>>>" My eyes instantly met with the TV as I saw Noah and Jolly.

I wanted to turn it off, but couldn't find the remote. "If you're throwing me to the lions, you should know I'm not scared of dying. I wouldn't take back one thing I did, one word I said, but I'm gonna make you wish you did" I let a tear fall from my eye as I listened to his beautiful voice and watch as his long hair blew through the breeze like an angel had been right beside him. "Why are you making yourself miserable? " I jumped from my position as Dad walked into the kitchen. "I'm not it's just- "where's the remote?" He questions while walking to the living room. I couldn't take my eyes off my former lover. He was an angel in the devil's mask, a broken soul missing the key, but had the glue, the shattered frame with a beautiful picture.... he was the perfect masterpiece, but it wasn't meant to be mine. I watched till the video came to an end, but that's when Noah's message appeared on the screen.

"Hey, how are you my dear friend?
I'm not gonna say who, but you know exactly who you are and it's a beautiful peice of my life. I just want you to know that this was for you and I hope you can see my full message to you, right here on October 7th... please watch, even if you can't look at my face, please just listen to my words. I mean ever one.... listen for your name" I seriously wished I could have jumped into the screen and hugged him so tightly. He made that message for me. I know him to well.

"What a heartwarming message from Bad Omen's frontman, Noah Sebastian. That message sounds like it was for his daughter Selena Davis, who sadly past away. Sebastian is moving on with his band and has just announced new tour dates! Please check their website for- the TV was turned off by my dad behind me.

"That doesn't mean sh*t Ellie, he's a bad person." I was silently crying as the screen of darkness appeared in front of me. "NO HE'S NOT DAD, NOAH'S A GOOD MAN.... YOU EVER THINK ABOUT HOW MUCH THIS IS HURTING ME? NO! " I yelled before running upstairs to my room.

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