restart the past

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Noah's POV
As we were driving home, I noticed that we had taken a different way back. The road needed to be remodelled and in fact, I used to walk down this road every time I'd sneak out at night. "Hey Nick? Remember this road. I used to live down here." I asked while looking out the backseat window. "Yeah, lots of memories... that's why we're here." I quickly look up at his mirror and said "what?".
"Noah, remember I told you that you need to make peace with your past? This is what I meant." He says as we come to a slow stop. We were right outside of my grandparents house.
"Why would you bring me here?"
"Noah, you are the only one who can fix this... now go" I shook my head and said angrily, "Why should I go talk to the man who blamed me for Nana's death? He f*cking beat me. "
"I know, but you're a man now. He can't hurt you anymore and maybe he's a better person? But we're not leaving until you knock on that door. " he says looking right at me. "I can go knock if you want, Noah? " Folio raises his hand making Nick and I turn towards him. "No you will not, Folio... This is only you Noah, go" If looks could kill.
I yanked the door open and quickly closed it as I walked up to the front door.

The rock pathway to the front steps reminded me of the drops of blood that had fallen, the tears, sweat, pain, and every ounce of heartache built in this house. I finally made it to the front door and knocked quietly. I really don't want him to answer.

A moment later the door slowly opens, revealing Paddy. He looked much older than he did when I was a kid. He struggles to stand properly before looking up at me in shock.
"Noah? Oh my God! My son please come here." He almost cried as he slowly pulls me into a hug. I don't hug back, but my eyes meet with his sadden ones. "My son, I can't tell you how sorry I am. I was horrible to you and you never deserved any of it."
He cries as I just stand there.
"Are you sober?" I finally asked as he straightens his walking stick.
"I've been sober for three years now....
God Noah, I'm so happy you're alive."
I don't know why he'd say that?
"Why would you say that? You haven't seen me in years." I questioned.
"The suicide, Noah... it was all over the news." I nodded as he explained.
"Noah, you grew up to be such a handsome boy!" He smiles as I run my fingers through my short hair.
" So ugh... the reason I'm here is because my stupid friend made me.
I never wanted to see your face again Paddy, but we never made peace.
I just want things to be good between us, but I don't want to see you again."
I know it was cold, but I'm a realist and that's the truth.

"I understand, Noah... thank you for even coming." I nodded as he reached for my hand. "You always loved tattoos. " he mumbled with a chuckle before looking back at me.
"Noah? If you can forgive me of everything I've done to you, we will make peace with each other for the rest of our lives." I slowly reached for his crinkled hand and said "I forgive you... just set me free." A huge smile appeared on his face and tears of happiness started to form.
"Our heavenly father, bless my son and give him everything he shall cherish. We love you holy spirit and no evil shall come our way, thank you my Lord. " Paddy said as we stood there eyes closed and hand in hand.
"Our Lord, we thank you... Amen"
"Amen" I said after his prayer before we let go of each other's hands and opened our eyes. "We're at peace, My son... we're at peace. " Paddy was crying out of joy as I slowly leaned in and hugged him. "Noah, I'll always love you my son... you're a wonderful man. " he says as we slowly pulled away. "Thanks Paddy... I'm glad we're at peace." He nods as I shift in my position. "Paddy? I can't promise I'll see you again, but I can promise that the past no longer exists." He smiles once again as I put my hands in my pocket. "My son, may the lord be with you, my son always. God bless you, Noah" he says as I nod and start to walk back to Nick's car, but instantly stopped...
"PADDY? " I call as he was about to shut his door. "God Bless" a huge smile once again appeared on his face. He waves to me before we make our finally goodbye.

I turn on my heels and head to the backseat of Nick's car. Once I got in, I shut the door and felt a huge wave of internal peace again. It was a miracle in disguise.

"What?" I noticed when I had looked to see the guys, they were all staring at me with a smirk. "AAAGGHHAHAHAAHAHAHAH!" They start dying laughing. "Oh shut the f*ck up!" I laughed as they tease me. "Awe my son oh!" Nick imitates Paddy which made me crack up.
"Shut up, Nick! " I jokingly hit him before he finally sat back down in his seat. "God, that was hilarious!" Jolly says as Nick starts to drive back towards our house...


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