You two need relief

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Noah's POV
I arrived home three hours later to see three suitcase by the front door. One being mine, Eleanor's, and I don't know who's the third one is, but I think I already knew why they were here. Once I removed my jacket and walked into the kitchen, I saw the guys and Ellie.

"I booked a trip to Italy for you two and you leave tonight." Nick said as I looked at Ellie. "Babe do you even feel like doing this? " I asked as she slowly nodded. "I want to try again honey, we need this time away." I agreed with her, but I'm physically and emotionally exhausted. "We will deal with your luggage, just go spend time together." Folio says as Jolly walks towards the front door. "Come on Noah, this is gonna help." Nick says as he guides me to the door.
We walked out to Nick's car and got seated.

Eleanor sat right beside me as we rest our heads on each other.
We were now on our way to the airport....

I was so tired that I had to ask the staff to help move some of our luggage. "Thank you " I nodded while handing both men twenty bucks before Eleanor and I walked into our hotel room. It was dark outside so I didn't even bother to explore the room, I just walked to the king sized bed and fell asleep right there.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Eleanor holding a tray of fruit while standing beside the bed on my side.
"Morning baby " she whispered while setting the tray down. I didn't say anything, I just shift my body to face her before hugging her small waist.
I was feeling worse this morning than yesterday at the hospital. "Noah" she whispers while gently rubbing my head as I buried my face into her stomach. "I'm so sorry Ellie... I'm so sorry " I cried silently as Ellie got on her knees to meet my saddened eyes.
"Don't apologize Noah, you have nothing to apologize about." She cups my face and kisses me. "I'm sorry baby " she gives me a sad smile while moving some of my hair back.
"It's killing us both. I understand babe, it's gonna be alright. " she hugs me tightly as I cried into her shoulder. "I love you so much "
"Noah, I love you too. You were there for me yesterday so let me be here for you." She kisses my cheek while climbing into bed and gently pulling me against her chest.

The rest of the morning I cried silently in Ellie's arms. She understands this better than anyone, besides... we are going through this together.

When 12:pm hit we got dressed in clean clothes and decided to walk around this beautiful paradise.
Italy was always one of my favorite places to visit, but I don't have a tone of time for it so now's a good time for many reasons. As Eleanor and I held hands and walked down the sidewalk,
We stopped by a candle store.
"Do you like scents? " she asked looking at me for an answer. "Sure" I give a small smile as we entered the store.
The inside was small but a cute place to visit while your here. I followed Ellie to the back of the store as she went to grab a peach flavored candle, but couldn't reach it. "I got it honey " I mumbled while reaching above her, she's really adorable with her 5'1 height. "Thanks Noah" she then opens the candle and let's me sniff it.
"It's sweet " she nods as I put it back for her.

"Let's get something for you and I to remember ok?" I just nodded as she heads to the "moonlight " section.
"Mmmm, this smells like you " she smiles while handing me the blue candle. "Sweat?" I joked as she chuckled. "No, my hero" her words made me kiss her forehead before I sniff it. It smelled like my cologne, it was a good choice. "Your right. Let's go find one for you." I said while grabbing her tiny hand and led her towards the roses " section.

Eleanor always smells like freshly picked Roses so I knew what I was looking for. I reach for the top shelf and pulled out 'Red rain' I sniffed it and knew this was the one for her.
"This is as beautifully smelling as you" I said before handing her the candle.
"Mmm, you know me too well" she smiles in satisfaction. "Do you want another one? " I pointed to the shelves as she slowly shakes her head and bites her tongue. "I have what I need right here." She says wrapping her arm around my waist as we walked to the cashier. "Same babe, same here" I kissed her head before setting the candles down. $25.66 read on the screen as I hand the elderly woman some cash. "Keep the change, thank you " we smiled as she waves goodbye to us.

Once we got out of the store, Ellie guides me to a back wall. "What's this babe?" I asked stepping over some rocks. We head to a shaded spot where no one could see us before Ellie pulled me to kiss her lips. "I need you baby" she says almost in a sadden tone as I set our bag down. "We both need this." I whispered as I slammed my lips against hers. We fought each other's tongues as I licked the inside of her mouth. "Mmm, I need to touch you Noah" Ellie whines as I catch my breath. "God baby I'm so f*cking desperate for you." I mumbled into her ear as I felt myself getting excited.
"We can't here... let's get back to the hotel." I whispered as we caught our breath. "No one's here, Noah "
"Not that we know of and babe I've got a reputation... that's the last thing we need." She nods in understanding as we slowly move away from the wall. I picked up our bag as we held hands and head back to the hotel....

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