Too good to forget

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Noah's POV
A few hours later I got a good beat going and Eleanor arrived home with Selina. About a half hour later she put Selina to bed then came walking into out room with a smirk. "Imma shower real quick then I'll come take care of you baby" I sat down on our bed with my hands behind my head in curiosity of what Ellie was up to?
"Mmm, I'll be right here baby" I smirked as she swayed her hips to the bathroom.

As I was sitting there waiting for Ellie, I pulled out my phone and texted my manager about arranging some tours for the band and me. We need to get back on the road soon.

A few minutes later, I heard Ellie come walking in. She dimes the lights but I could still see her. My eyes were glued to her sexy lingerie as she stood at the edge of the bed. "Damn she looks good" I said setting my phone down. "Take that hoodie off baby" she ordered as I chuckled and tossed it on the floor, leaving me shirtless. "Good boy " she whispered while slowly crawling up in between me.

"What do you want Noah? What is it you want from me?" She whispered sitting on my lap

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"What do you want Noah? What is it you want from me?" She whispered sitting on my lap. "Oh Ellie " I breathed out while she slowly moved on all the right spots. "God you're so f*cking sexy" I pushed my head back into pillow enjoying her physical contact."you gotta give more than that baby" she teases while sliding her hand down my shorts. "Oh you" I giggled as she continued to tease me.
"This reminds me of the night at the pizzeria" she says as she continues to tease. "Oh you got me good that night"
"How about I get you even better tonight?" She's gotten so confident and I f*cking love it! "Yeah... I'd love to see ya try" I knew she wanted to hear that so why not? "You wanna condom first?" I asked putting my hands on her hips. "Do you want another baby?" She asked looking down at me. "It's up to you babe, I know Selina's pregnancy was pretty.... rough at that." Ellie looked up to think before looking back down at me below her. "Well it's more comfortable without one... but I don't want to risk it again. Should we take our chances? " I thought about it for a second then nodded. "What's there to lose?" She smiles before leaning down to kiss me."wanna piss off the neighbors? " I asked as she nodded in a sexual manner. "My pleasure " I quickly flipped us over and started to remove the small amount of clothes left on our bodies......

I fell on top of Ellie's chest as sweat dripped off of our bodies like we had just jumped into a pool. "Oh God that was good " I said breathless as Eleanor slowly moved her hips against mine. "Oh yes, God Noah that was great!" She smiles as we were slowly coming down from our high.
"I love you " I kissed each one of her knuckles as we lyed down facing each other. "I love so much too, Noah" she kisses my fingers while slowly running her tongue down them.
"God you look so hot" I whispered as her lips sloppily kissed each one of them. "I've always liked your hands, there so... big. Just like the rest of you" I laughed at her reference. "I know, your screams proved that since the first night. " she hits my shoulder jokingly with a chuckle. "Man, you look so tired." She laughs while pushing my longer hair back. "I'm exhausted for the best reasons " I kissed her forehead while pulling the covers over our sweaty bodies. "I love you baby " she kisses my swollen lips as I return the gesture. "I love you too, baby" we then turned the lamp light off as I pulled Ellie's body against mine and fell asleep.....


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