We've got it

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Noah's POV
Eleanor was holding my hand so tightly as she just gave birth to our baby boy. "He's gonna be ok, just gonna get him a little oxygen." The nurse smiles while taking the baby to the back. "Good job, babe" I kissed her knuckles as she catches her breath. "That wasn't as bad as I thought it'd been." She laughs in between breaths. "Really? " I smiled as she nods and kisses my hand.
"Thank you for being here." She says as I stood right beside her bed.
"Absolutely, I wouldn't miss it for anything." We kissed as the nurse came out with a blue blanket and our new baby boy. "Here he is" she smiles while handing the baby to Eleanor.
"Awe" we said together as the nurse heads to the back, leaving us alone.
"Why do all the babies look exactly like you?" She laughs as we looked at our baby boy. "He does look like me... like a lot" I chuckled as she hands him to me. "What do you want to name him?" Ellie asked as I smiled at him.
"He looks like a Sebastian "
"Yes come here Sebastian Sebastian Davis" Ellie jokes. "You don't like my middle name? " I act all offended as she laughs. "I love that name, but we'd have to give him a really good middle name." I nodded and said "you can decide on that babe." "George? Yeah, I like George. " I nodded with approval before handing Sebastian back to Her. "Sebastian George Davis, I like it" we kissed once again....

A day later

Eleanor, Sebastian, and I were home.
While driving back, Eleanor and I talked about buying a house for us and the baby, but the guys said they really didn't mind. Folio was great with kids anyway, so he said he could help watch Sebastian whenever we needed it.

"I'm so tired" Eleanor yawned as I carried Sebastian and our bags upstairs. "I'll get him to bed if you wanna sleep babe? " I offer as she gives me a side hug. "Thank you baby, I'll see you in just a few." I kissed her and nodded before heading to the room that Selina used to sleep in.
I haven't been in here since the day she died, but Ellie had removed some things and made it seem like nothing had ever happened.

"Alright buddy, let's get you in bed." I said quietly as I set the bags down and put Sebastian in his crib. "Goodnight buddy" I whispered as I put a blanket around him and turned the lights off. I didn't close the door all the way just incase he starts crying, but I did go into the bathroom to see Ellie taking a bath. "Hey" I smiled while walking in and sat on the side of the tub. "Hey baby... wanna join me? " she smirks as I stood up and removed my clothes. "You're muscles are coming in great babe!" She says in an impressive way as I climbed in and pulled her onto me. "Thanks babe, I'm trying to beat Folio " I said as she kisses my jawline. "Folio looks like a body builder now" she laughs as we just stared at each other. "I'm so glad you came back a few months ago. I really don't know how I'd feel if you'd met a new guy and took care of Sebastian with him, ya know?" I said rubbing her back. "I didn't relize I was pregnant until I was late, but that was a sign. I knew I needed to find you again, you're the best thing that's happened to me." I kissed her as she slowly pushes my short hair back.
"I love you" we smiled and kissed again...

Noah's POV
I was jogging down the sidewalk listening to sleep Token as I made it past my grandfather's house. Maybe someday I'll have him meet Sebastian, but right now I'm happy and I want to keep it that way.

God really picked me up when I never thought he would, but I was proven wrong. I'm blessed with a family and my son is perfectly healthy. The band and I have had great success with our latest album and the shows are selling out left to right. I can't ask for any better.

I thought as I came to a stop. I'll just have to see where my crazy story will take me.....


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