Chapter five - you can't fool me

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"Umm...sorry if I asked again. But, why are you doing this?" I asked him and he looked to the floor. He looked unsure on what to say. "You wouldn't understand." He said in a low voice.

"You're free to tell me everything. I promise I won't tell anyone." I said and he sighed. "Because-" we were interrupted when the door suddenly opened.

Barry was there, incredibly angry. "What the hell?!" He yelled and his voice echoed. Jarred got up and tried approaching his brother. "Listen-" Jarred tried explaining but Barry pushed him.

Jarred, shocked, did the same. "What the fuck are you doing Jarred?" Barry glared at his brother. "Treating our captive the way how a person should be treated." Jarred said.

Barry looked at him, shocked. "This was not part of our plans." He said and Jarred evily laughed. "Plans change right? The way you changed from an incredibly nice man to this." Jarred said and I was shocked of what he said.

Then why did Barry changed?

Barry pushed his brother again. "Bring her back to the room." He glared at Jarred and Jarred rolled his eyes. Then Barry walked away leaving me and Jarred alone in the room. I got up, "I'm sorry, Jarred." I tried speaking but Jarred stopped me.

"It's okay. Now come on." He told me and I nodded. I followed him down the hall. While following him, I tried familiarizing the place. The place was no motel. It's like a warehouse. It was empty with only a few bulbs hanging.

A few minutes later, we stopped. Jarred took out the keys from his pocket and opened the door that was in front of us.

Then I was back at the place where I was held captive. "Here." He pointed to the chair. I sat down and he took out the handcuffs. He sighed before handcuffing me back to the chair. Then he also tied my feet and covered my mouth with a duck tape.

I looked down to the floor and Jarred held my chin up. "I'll be back." He whispered and faintly smiled which gave me hope. He gave me a kiss on my forehead before he disappeared into the shadows.

To stop me from crying or whatever, I usually try imagining what I should be doing right now. It's my way of cheering my mood.

I wonder what my friends are doing right now. My parents and Laura. God. I miss them. I tried filling my mind with all the lovely memories I once shared with my family and friends.

Time passed and the room started to get dark. At least, I'm no longer scared of it. I got used to it. I mean, I've been here for a week now. I must admit that during my first few days, it was tough adjusting to this new life. Sometimes, I would wake up to find a cockroach crawling on my lap but I couldn't tell it to go away since I'm tied up. Worse, sometimes rats would come in front of me.

Then I heard a door close, interrupting my thoughts. Then I heard footsteps walking towards me. I tried calming myself, preparing for something. Until, I saw Jarred's figure walking towards me and bringing with him a bottle of water.

He took out the duck tape that was in my mouth then he started unlocking my handcuffs. "Here. I couldn't find food." He said as he hands me the bottle of water. "Thank you." I said and started drinking the water.

Then he squat on the floor and leaned into the wall. "I hate this job." He said. "I understand that you do." I said and he looked at me, confused. "You do?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I can feel seem to be uncomfortable with what you and your brother are doing." He said and he faintly laughed. "Got that right." He said.

"Would you mind continuing what you were trying to say a few hours ago?" I asked him and he looked up to the ceiling. "I suddenly don't want to. I'm sorry." He said and I nodded.

"I'll be waiting for that." I said. Then suddenly, we heard footsteps and Jarred immediately got up and quickly put the duck tape back on my mouth. He quickly put the handcuffs back into my hands and got ready to face his brother.

Sure enough, Barry came out of the shadows. "What do you want this time brother?" Jarred asked Barry. Barry chuckled, "Do you think you can fool me brother?" He smirked.

Guess what will Barry say?

Basically, I'm at the mall right now.  Luckily, there's wifi so why not update? :)

Message me if you spotted some mistakes. Gotta go!

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