Chapter nine - the missed chance

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a/n: I think Stay with me by Sam Smith is suitable for this chapter. :)

"Because I'm in love with you." Did he just say that he loves me? Or am I dreaming? I stood there, shocked. Both of us stared at each other for the next few minutes until we heard the door opened, then Barry came in. Jarred immediately got up and so did I. Then Jarred slowly pushed me behind his back.

"What do you want this time, brother?" Jarred asked, crossing his arms. Barry evily chuckled and crossed his arms as well. "Remember the plan last night Jarred?" He smirked. "That wasn't really a plan." Jarred replied.

Then Barry walked towards us and grabbed me. I screamed and reached out for Jarred. "Hey! Let her go!" Jarred screamed. Then Barry took out a knife and put it near my neck. Jarred's eyes widened and this time, he was mad even more.

"Move one more step, brother. Then your little girlfriend will be dead." Barry threatened his brother. Barry bitterly laughed then kissed me. Before looking back at Jarred. You could see the jealousy in Jarred's eyes.

He really loves me.

Then Barry licked one of my cheeks before kissing me again. This time, it enraged Jarred. Jarred immediately grabbed me while Barry took out a gun from his pocket and aimed it at us. Jarred put me behind him, choosing to sacrifice himself.

"You can't shoot me." Jarred said. Barry chuckled, "Do you think you can still defend her Jarred?" Barry asked. I managed to come out, "Please Jarred. I don't want you-" but I was interrupted when Barry fired the gun and Jarred was quick enough to take the hit.

Jarred froze for a second before falling to the ground and I rushed to his aid. "Jarred!" I yelled. Then I ripped a piece of my shirt and was about to cover up his wound but Barry pushed me out of the way. "Get out of the way! This was all your fault!" Barry yelled. Oh, so now he cares? Plus, it's my fault?

"Jarred...stay with me please." Barry wept. Jarred slowly turned his head, trying not to fall unconscious. "It was your fault, brother." Jarred managed to say, even though he's still at pain.

Barry looked at his brother and then to me. He glared at me before walking away then shutting the door.

I look back to Jarred and he was totally in pain. "I can't do this on my own." I said, panicking. I seriously don't know anything about medical stuffs. I started to panic and looked around the room to look for stuffs that I may use.

"Call 9-1-1." I heard Jarred say. I rushed up to him and he was already pale. His lips were already quite pale. "But, they'll catch you." I said. "And you'll be free." He said. I do want to be free but I don't want him to be arrested. "Here's my phone." He tried reaching out for his pocket but I stopped him.

"No Jarred. I'd rather stay here than seeing you behind bars." I said and he nodded 'no'. "I deserve this, Sarah." He said, then finally was able to take his phone out. He managed to hand his phone to me before he finally passed out.

"Jarred? Please stay with me!" I yelled. "Jarred-" I was interrupted when the door suddenly swung open. Barry came in, "Barry no-" Barry pushed me aside, causing me to loose my balance. Then he leaned down and picked up Jarred.

I ran up to him, "Barry please-" I said but he pushed me again, causing me to fall on the floor. I managed to stand up but Barry shut the door before I could even catch up.

"Open this door! Open it!" I yelled and started banging it. "Please!" I yelled again but I knew that Barry won't be coming back.

"This is all my fault." I told myself. I buried my face with my palm and no, I'm not gonna cry. I have to find a way. Then it came up to me. I have to get out of here. I started looking around for an opening that is at least enough for me to get out.

I realized that I'm holding Jarred's phone. I can call one of my family members!

One problem though. His password and it only has 14% left on the battery. Shit. Add a signal too. Which is really low.

I started brainstorming. I have to guess this, fast. I'm not good at guessing. I don't even know his full name. Then I decided to try: 0192

It didn't work and this time, the battery dropped to 13%. I was panicking already. I gulped and took a deep breath. "Come on, Sarah. You can do this." I told myself. Then I remembered Jarred's age which is 21 and Barry is 27. Why not combine it?

I typed '2127'. It worked!

"Oh shiznit! I did it!" I screamed. I didn't waste time to call my mom. I typed in her number. My fingers were shaking at every number I pressed. Then I encountered another problem. She won't answer. I redialed her number again and she won't answer. Stupid signal.

I tried again and waited for her to answer. The phone picked up after 6 rings.

"Hello?" It's Laura. "Laura it's me!" I said, still in panic mode. "Sarah?!" She replied. "Yes it's me! Please, is mom there?" I asked. If you're wondering, I'm talking fast because the phone's battery is running out.

"No she's not here. She's at a printing house to print more flyers of you and then she'll be meeting the FBI investigators after that. Where are you? I'll call the police so they can go there." She asked. I'm actually glad that she's cooperating. I expected her to be screaming at me. "I can't tell. Listen-" but before I could continue, the line was interrupted. I stared at the phone and it was already plain black. I started clicking the home button. It won't turn on.

It ran out of battery.

I dropped the phone purposely and ran to the corner to cry. I crouched and buried my face.

I let out a huge scream, out of devastation.

That was my chance.

Ahh!! Thrilling chapter right? ;) And a long one. Basically, I've chosen Sad Song by We The Kings ft. Elena Coats as the theme song for the story. Go search it on YouTube. I can't put it on the media because of copyright. So yeah.

Anyways, hope y'all are well and message me if you spotted some mistakes. I'm just too lazy to update. :P

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