Chapter eleven - second attempt

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"Hey we're here." I heard Barry's voice and I slowly gained consciousness. I wanted to rub my eyes so badly. "Where are we?" I asked. "Stop asking questions and just follow orders." He told me and I nodded. I felt him grabbing my hands and shoved me outside.

I want to ask him again on where are we but I knew he wouldn't answer me.

A few minutes later, Barry finally uncovered my eyes. I look around and realized that I'm in a hotel or maybe a motel. "Why are we here?" I managed to ask.

"What? You want to stay at the old place?" He asked and I nodded. I sat down at the ends of the bed and started to look around. That was when I saw a telephone. I felt relieved by the sight of it. Barry seemed to notice that I was looking at the telephone.

He unplugged the telephone then he carried it and then went outside. I knew that he was gonna throw it to the trash can.

I reached out for my pocket and realized that I left Jarred's phone back at the old place. "Shit." I said, right before Barry went back, bringing with him a rope. I stared at the rope and I knew he's gonna rape me again. He put the rope on the bad and then grabbed something from the wardrobe.

"How's Jarred?" I asked. He stopped and looked at me, "Why do you care?" He asked. "Because I love him." I said. He started laughing, "You're an idiot." He said and I nodded.

"Come on." He said, taking his shirt off. Like Jarred, he has loads of tattoos as well. My eyes widened and I was speechless. "Take your fucking clothes off and get in the shower." He glared at me and I have no choice but to follow him. He wants me to bath with him, naked.

I reluctantly got up and took off my clothes. While walking towards the shower, I just kept on looking down on the floor.

He went in first to the shower then me. He laughed at the sight of me and made the sexy whistle or whatever it's called. I just kept my head down to the floor. "Nice body you got there." He smirked and this time, I could no longer hold back my tears. He started touching my hips, "Man, Jarred's a lucky guy." Barry continued.

A few minutes later, he let go.

Then he put soap on his body and so did I. Followed by a shampoo. While I was about to my shampoo, Barry pinched my butt. I turn around and he laughed. This time, I'm mad.

"Why are you doing this?" I managed to ask. He stopped laughing and looked at me. "You don't know what I've been through-"

"I do. Jarred told me everything about your life. After the two of you were orphaned, you forced Jarred to be in this shit." I told him. He looked at me, shocked. Then he slapped me in the face. "You better watch your words. Understand me?" He glared at me and then slammed my head into the wall.

I rubbed my head and turned to look at him. Then he aimed his fist at me. I tried covering myself but it was too late. "Jarred's not gonna save you this time." He told me and punched me one more time.

I faced the floor and watched the blood dripping from my lip to the water. I started crying and Barry left the shower. Once he's gone, I fell on my knees and started crying. I buried my face with my hands.

"Why?" I asked myself. Then I told myself that I can't lose. I got up and continued to put my shampoo on while crying. Then I rinsed myself, still in tears. After rinsing myself, I got up and grabbed a towel from the hanger. I faced myself in the mirror. I sighed.

I'm getting thinner and thinner each day. I'm not gonna loose. I wiped my tears off and made sure that I did not look like that I cried before getting out.

Be strong, Sarah. Be strong.

I went out of the shower, and saw Barry already in the bed, already snoring.

I look to the door then to him. This is my chance to escape. I grabbed my clothes and ran outside. The slam of the door, woke up Barry. I ran as fast as I could and headed towards the elevator. I kept on pressing the down button in hopes that the elevator will move faster. "Come on please." I said, while continuously pressing the elevator button.

I turn to my side and saw Barry getting closer. I ran to the exit door but Barry was quick enough to catch me. He quickly covered my mouth and started panting heavily. "You try to escape me?" He asked. "You will never escape me." He said.

I tried letting go of his grip but he was very strong. Then he carried me back to our room. Then I saw that we were in room 307.

He shoved me into the bed and was about to tie me when we heard a knock on the door. "Mr. Fernandez!" I heard a male voice.

Barry grabbed a duck tape from the drawer and covered my mouth. "Mr. Fernandez!" The man yelled again.

"Can't you wait!" Barry yelled. After handcuffing me, he carried me to an another bedroom and locked me in there.

"Stay here." Barry glared then he went out.

"What?" I heard Barry's voice. "Your brother sir." A man's voice said. Jarred. Oh how I wanted to ask him how he is. "Why? How is he?" I heard Barry's ask. "He lost a large amount of blood and he needs a donor." The man said and my eyes widened.

HEY!! IM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW. Basically, I auditioned for our music ministry which is our choir. I got accepted!!! However, I felt pity for my other best friend because she didn't get accepted.:(

Anyways, hope all of you are well. Message me if you spotted some mistakes. :)

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