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3rd person p.o.v.

Dearra is now 7 months pregnant. She is very excited, because next month Roman is going to be coming to town.

"Can yall just read the directions?" Dearra asked Ken and her dad as they put the crib together. "Cuz if my son fall through there I'm killing both of y'all!" She said threatening them.

"Nothing is going to happen to OUR son." Ken stated annoyed making it be known that he's just not Dearra's child.

Ken was very annoyed with Dearra. She has been nagging and demanding things all day.

"Whatever." She mumbled rolling my eyes.

"Keep rolling then eyes and see where they get you." Her dad warned her sternly.

"Ken!" She began to whine too him.

"What D?" He asked annoyed at her.

"I want some gummy worms with carmel, and chocolate chips." She said rubbing my stomach in circles to get relaxed.

"Nope cause your doctor said for you too eat healthy." Ken replied screwing in a bolt as she began to pout.

"Well you let me eat candy and stuff yesterday." Dearra said angrily at his actions.

"I was just giving you a cheat day cause I was in the mood to." He said shaking his head.

"Well it's another cheat day." She said as she began to struggle to get up out of the seat.

"If you don't sit your ads down you ain't going no where to get nothing!" Ken said sternly as she rolled her eyes.

"What I tell you about rolling them eyes little girl!" Dearra's father yelled at her.

"Why are y'all ganging up on me?" Dearra said as her eyes began to water and and her lip tremble.

"Don't start the water works." Her father said sighing.

"No." Dearra said finally able to get up as she let the tears fall. She quietly walked to her room and layed on the bed.

Mean while .......

In Ant's house hold it was 1:35 p.m. and he was trying to get his princesses down for a nap.

"Come on nap time!" Ant yelled sternly at Cali as she ran around the couch to get away from him.

"No, no nap!" She gelled tripping over one of her princess Lego toys. "Ouch!" She began to yelp in pain.

"See that's what you get for yelling at daddy and not trying to take a nap." He said shaking his head at his daughter as she sat on the floor holding her knee.

"No shut up daddy ! Not funny!" She began to start crying.

"Don't yell at daddy!" Ant said sternly.

"Come on man." Ant said trying to pick his daughter up, but for her only to push him away and throw her Legos at him.

"Don't do that ever again to daddy!" He said much more sternly and more base in his voice as he smacked her on her hands 3 times.

"No!" She said pulling her hand away and began screaming and crying throwing a tantrum.

3 hours later

Ant just got done taking a shower as he pulled on some boxers along with a pair or black Nike sweatpants.

Fake nigga lie to a real nigga
Now that's just some shit that you don't do
Imma stay real for my real niggas
That's just some shit that I'm gon do
Fuck up the commas
Lets fuck up some commas nigga

Ant's phone began to ring off.

He picked it up to see that Karlie was calling.

"Speak." He said laying down in his bed next to his princess as she layed on his chest.

"That's how you gon reply back to me, but how is my baby girl I miss her?" She asked as Ant sighed.

"She's doing good just taking a nap." Ant stated simple.

"Oh well can I come over to see her for a little?" She asked.

"Yea Iont care." Ant said playing in his daughters hair.

"Okay." She said as they stated their goodbyes.

Ding dong

Ant heard as he began to get up out of the bed trying not to wake hi daughter up.

Making it too the front door he opened it to be met with Ken.

"Wassup nigga?" Ant asked sapping Ken up as he closed the door and made their way to the living room.

"Nothing just got done putting the babies crib together." Ken stated slouching in the recliner.

"That's what's up." Ant said nodding his head.

"Yeah, but D's ass is driving me up the wall." Ken stated making a big sigh.

"Yes them pregnancy hormones are a bitch to us men." Ant said as him an Ken began to chuckle.

"Daddy." Ant heard Cali mumble as she walked over to him rubbing her eyes laying in his lap.

Ding dong

"Aye can you get that Ken." Ken just nodded standing up walking over the door to be met with Karlie.

Excuse any mistakes


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