Good night, asshole.

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"Operative White," Mr. Solomon declared, his smug expression never faltering. His voice echoed off the walls of the dark planetarium, punctuated by the sound of rain tapping against the roof of the domed building. I stood before him, my heart racing as I tried to catch my breath. "You failed the mission."

"What?" I sputtered, my words coming out in short gasps. "I did NOT run across this museum in the pouring rain just to fail? No. No! I'm here, I'm on time, and I'm alone. That was the mission. I executed the mission."

"You did not execute the mission." He said, still smirking.

"What are you talking about?" I'm so confused. What is he talking about?

"Think about it." He said with the voice that says, 'I know something you don't know.' Then I thought back to what Jess was saying. 'Don't trust him!' Don't trust who? The boy. Jason. My heart sank as I realized what Mr. Solomon was implying.

"I wasn't alone in the museum but I'm definitely alone now. And Jason? I assessed him. I checked for signs that he could be a threat. I followed all the steps. I went through all the proper protocol. He's just a normal kid. He-" I stammered, trying to piece together what had happened.

"On the contrary," Mr. Solomon interrupted. "He is anything but a normal kid. He is at the top of his class at Blackthorne Academy." Blackthorne Academy? The boy school for spies? Fuck fuck fuck. He said he went to an all-boys boarding school. I even noticed that the story wasn't checking out. I should've known. How could I have skipped this? I justified all his warning signs. I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach.

"Operative Greyson. Would you like to come and make your presence known?" The boy, formerly known as Jason, walked out from a hallway and stood behind Mr. Solomon by the door. Goddamnit. I knew it. I fucking knew it. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him. I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid. How could I? I have no one to blame but myself. All the signs were there, and I ignored every single one of them. How did he even make it here before me? And dry! "Is there something you would like to say?" Mr. Solomon asked, noticing my uncharacteristic silence. I couldn't let him know how much he'd gotten to me.

"No, sir," I replied stiffly, my anger and humiliation boiling just below the surface. "Nothing to report, sir."

"Are you sure? I'm open to all comments." I could tell he was testing me. As if he hasn't tested me enough.

"No, sir, nothing to report, sir," I repeated, my voice still calm.

"Ok, well you are dismissed." He put his hands behind his back. I turned on my heel and left, not even bothering to look at the smirking boy. I wanted to punch him really hard in his stupid, perfect face. "Oh, and Operative White." I turned around to look at Mr. Solomon. "Do try to get some sleep. It's always hard failing your first mission." I'm going to kill someone.

"Of course, Mr. Solomon. Thank you sir." I nodded my head before turning back towards the door and walking. I didn't stop, or look at Jason, when I slammed the pack of skittles in his chest. "Fucking asshole". I heard a grunt of pain, the scattering of skittles across the marble floor, and the light chuckle of Mr. Solomon in the background.

As I stormed out into the pouring rain once again, I tore off my wig, feeling it weigh me down. The wind whipped my soaking hair around my face as I climbed into the chopper. I couldn't even bear to look in the mirror and see how messed up I must look.

"I hate boys!" I screamed in frustration, hurling my wig across the helicopter before burying my head in my hands.

"We do too!" My fellow classmates agreed in unison. They all seemed as agitated as I did. So, I'm guessing we all failed. It wasn't until another 2 minutes, which felt like forever, before Mr. Solomon returned to the helicopter and we took off.

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