Who's Tyler?

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(Tyler's POV)

Why am I sweating? I'm literally dripping. I called Ela, like 30 minutes ago and left her a voicemail. Now, I'm sitting in her driveway trying to convince myself to go knock on her door. She's probably not even awake. That's why she didn't answer my call. It is 9 am. It's pretty early, especially for school not being in session. I should go, I should just tell her I got too busy to swing by.

That wouldn't be a complete lie. I am carving out time in my schedule to see her right now, when I really should be getting ready to head to the airport with the boys. We just finished a mission down in the keys just yesterday and now we're flying up to another last minute mission for a different agency. The life of a teenage spy is never easy, but here we are.

I just felt like I should tell Ela the truth about me working for government agencies. I feel like she should know. I don't know why I feel the need to tell her, but the boys seem to think it's a good idea and sent me over. To be fair, they also think that I just need to figure my shit out and actually try to decipher my feelings for her, but I am not doing that right now. Baby steps, Tyler, baby steps.

I got out of the car and went up to ring the doorbell. I wiped my hands against my pants to get rid of any residual sweat. God, this is embarrassing. This is so fucking embarassing. Why am I sweating so much? Get a grip, Tyler. You are better than this. Keep it together. You-...

The door swung open and someone who looked exactly like Ela answered the door. She looked way too young to be her mom, so I'm going to assume it's her sister.

"Hello!" She greeted me with a warm smile. Her presence was very inviting, much like Ela's. I shot my hand out for her to shake, praying that I managed to wipe all the sweat off.

"Good Morning! I'm Tyler Greyson. Daniela told me to stop by if I was ever in town." I introduced myself and her smile grew wider.

"Oh you're Tyler. Aren't you a cutie? Come in, come in! Ela should be awake soon." She exclaimed, grabbing my arm and pulling me into the house. "I'm Ela's sister Vanessa! I wish mom was home to meet you, but she had to run to the office for something. It's a shame too, because we've been hearing so much about you!" Vanessa put the kettle on in the kitchen and pointed at a stool at the island for me to sit down. I obliged. I noticed there was also a coffee maker brewing coffee in the corner of the kitchen

"Really?" I asked, trying to contain the excitement I felt in my chest over Ela talking about me to her family.

"Oh yea. She has not stopped talking about you all break. I was wondering if you were ever going to stop by. She's been hoping you would." Vanessa smirked at me before the kettle started screaming. "Tyler, are you more of a coffee person or tea person?" She asked, grabbing a couple mugs from the cabinet.

"Coffee." I answered and she poured some of the freshly brewed coffee into a cup for me before pouring herself a cup of tea.

"Milk or sugar?" She asked, holding up the options.

"Just milk please." I responded as she added a splash of milk to my mug and slid it over to me. "Thank you, I needed this." I laughed a bit, taking a sip. I kept my eyes on Vanessa as she dumped her tea bag in the trash.

"It kind of feels like meeting a celebrity, the way she's been talking about you." Vanessa added, resuming her position across from me. I ignored the way my heart started beating faster at that sentence.

"I could say the same. She speaks so incredibly highly of you." I replied, setting my mug down. Vanessa smiled a bit.

"I'd say flattery does work, but it definitely does." She laughed " So, Tyler, you and Ela..." She drifted off and I got the hint of what she was asking. While I'm sure the answer I'm about to give her isn't the answer she wants to hear, it's all I can give her until I figure it out myself.

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