That is Not the Type of Thing You Say to A Friend

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We made it back to Gallagher Academy without any other issues. That's mainly because I haven't heard anything from Tyler since he left my driveway and I'm lowkey freaking out. I've felt sick to my stomach the entire rest of the break. It's not that I don't have faith in his abilities, it's just... It would've been fine if I just hadn't known he was going on a mission to begin with. I would've just brushed off not hearing from him as him being upset with me over what happened between us. I could live with that. I could understand that.

But now... Now I have more to think about. Like him being just mad is a very likely possibility. But him being injured, or killed, or taken is also a very real possibility that I haven't been able to get out of my head. So, that coupled with the nightmares I've been having about my dad, you could say that I haven't known a single moment of peace the entirety of the rest of the break. I also didn't sleep at all so I'm fucking exhausted.

I just can't wait to see him, just to know he's alive. Even if he's not speaking to me, I just need to know he's alive. That's it. Vanessa has assured me that he's fine and is going to look up a status report as soon as she gets back into the office, if he's not at school today. Vanessa is actually at Gallagher Academy with us right now. She's here to help Uncle Joey out with something, she wouldn't tell me the details. She's not staying long though and said that today's the only day I'm gonna see her while shes on campus. It's fine because I'll see her in a bit when we go to Cov' Ops in a minute. Uncle Joey called an emergency class.

"It's so good to be home!" I smiled as I laid on my bed.

"I know right!" Jess agreed, putting her stuff away. "I feel like we're becoming codependent with this place but I don't care."

"And I missed you guys!" Bri added.

"We missed you too." Jade replied, hopping over to her bed.

"Yea, we totally did." I nodded, getting up and grabbing a clean uniform from the drawer, before heading into the bathroom. I quickly changed into the uniform before walking back outside.

"Where are you going?" Jess asked me while looking at her magazine.

"To the class? We do have Cov' ops today." I reminded them, before grabbing my phone and waiting for them to react.

"Crap!" They all yelled before hopping up and beginning to change. They didn't take that long, even though we had 15 minutes. We headed down to the subs and walked to our classroom. There was a note on the door.

We're going on a little trip. Pack for a few days and change into something you don't mind getting dirty...

A trip? We've never gone on an overnight trip before! I have a feeling this might be a trick, but I'm still a little excited. We headed back up to our rooms, buzzing about where we could possibly be going. I packed some basics. Lots of biker shorts, leggings, running shorts, and t-shirts. I packed a couple nicer things, like jeans and blouses, because I didn't exactly know where we were going. I threw a couple bathing suits in there just in case before grabbing my toiletries and popping them in there as well.

I popped in a couple high capacity portable chargers because you never know. Also, I am addicted to technology and can barely last without my phone. I am what every parent talks about when they say this generation is obsessed with their phones. I changed into running shorts, a tee and some sneakers before heading out to the main hall. Much of our class followed shortly after. Mr. Solomon was nowhere to be found, and neither was Tyler and his group. Then he and Vanessa showed up with a cart filled up with hiking backpacks.

"Welcome back students. How was your break?" He asked, smiling.

"Good?" We mumbled unsure.

Just then Tyler's group joined and I felt like I could properly breathe again. I told myself that I would be okay with just seeing him and knowing he's okay, but seeing him... I want to be near him. I wanna hug him and ask him how the mission went. I'd listen to him go on and on about the mission just to hear him talk. It took all the strength I had in my body not to run up to him. It took even more strength to not look at him, and not let it bother me that he hadn't even spared a glance in my direction.

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