Welcome To Miami

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I really never took advantage of my best friend being the Vice President's daughter, but I think I definitely am going to more often. Because, sitting in these first class seats, I couldn't help but wish I traveled like this all the time. We left Roseville this morning and had a connecting flight in DC. Now, we're heading to Miami from DC, and the plane is a lot larger than I thought it'd be. The first class had a 2-3-2 configuration. We were in the third row to the front in the middle, so all three of us could sit together. Jess had to wear huge sunglasses and a headscarf to kind of disguise her appearance from the paparazzi and onlookers who could tell she was the VP's daughter. Not like it mattered much. We had 3 secret service dudes with us. They were also in regular attire so as to not draw attention. Nevertheless, Jade and I were quite excited while Jess, on the other hand, seemed quite bored as we waited for the plane to take off.

"I've seen better." Jess muttere getting comfortable next to me. She had the middle seat, Jade was on her right, and I was on her left.

"I'm sure you have, Princess." Jade replied sarcastically. Jess rolled her eyes in response. I felt my phone buzz and slipped it out of my pocket. Tyler had texted me.

Have a safe flight :) Text me when you land.

It was literally not even a cute text but it made me smile. It felt so normal. I texted him back.

Thanks. We're about to take off.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Jess asked, peeking over at my phone. "Is he your screensaver?"

"He's not my boyfriend." I answered, putting my phone away. "And yes... he's my screensaver."

"Not your boyfriend. Sure." Jess laughed.

"Yea, I also kiss my guy friends and tell them I want them to stay in my life forever. Yup, totally." Jade added, sarcastically. I shot a look over at both of them. I didn't reply to either of them until we were up in the air.

"We didn't make anything official okay? We're still trying to figure out how this whole long distance dating thing is going to work out." I replied, not looking at them.

"So, y'all are dating then?" Jess asked.

"I don't know! We haven't formally said anything, but I'm gonna assume yes. We are dating. Next time I see him I'll be sure to ask." I rolled my eyes and they laughed.

"Look, we've spent a whole semester pine over each other. You two will figure it out. Y'all are endgame, I just know it." Jade smiled over at me, and I could tell she meant it. I nodded in return before closing my eyes and plugging in my headphones. I woke up a couple hours into the flight and had to use the bathroom. Only I would have to use the bathroom a half an hour before the plane was set to land. As I walked back down to my seat the plane hit some turbulence and I fell. A pair of arms caught me as I landed in someone's lap. I looked up and saw a teenage boy in... a hat and sunglasses? On a plane.

"I am so sorry." I blurted out, embarrassed.

"It's fine." He smiled, showing off his perfect teeth and deep dimples, while helping me get up.

"I'm not usually this clumsy." I ran my fingers through my hair.

"It wasn't your fault, the plane tipped you over." He chuckled

"Yea, you're probably right." I shook my head slightly. "Nice airport outfit. Don't see many people wearing sunglasses on a plane. You a celebrity or something?" I nodded at his disguise.

"Or something." He shrugged. As I was going to ask him to explain, a flight attendant came up next to me.

"Ma'am, you are going to have to take your seat now. The plane is beginning its descent." She said smiling. I nodded as she walked away.

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