I'm Here to Stay

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I woke up to the dim light of the sun peeking through the blinds. I sat up and looked at my empty opened suitcase sitting on the floor by my bed. I should have finished packing since I will be leaving tomorrow morning, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Some could say I've been a bit distracted. I've had a lot on my mind with finals week and Tyler, so packing made it evident that the school year was coming to an end and I didn't want to accept that reality.

I rolled out of bed and got my uniform out of my dresser, before walking into the bathroom. I turned on the shower before turning and looking in the mirror. My normally bright eyes took on a dull dead look that matched how I felt. As I said before, I'm not much of a morning person, plus I've not been sleeping well for some time now. The sudden rise in temperature in the bathroom told me that the shower was ready.

I stepped into the steaming hot shower and a surge of energy coursed through my body. Goosebumps covered my skin as the water touched each of my body. I moved my head under the water letting the water soak my face and hair. I soaped up my body and rinsed it before washing my hair. I then started thinking about the day I had in front of me. Today was the last day of school. As much as I wanted to crawl back in bed and ignore the day I had in front of me I couldn't. I banged my fist against the wall before leaning my head against it. The coolness of the wall shocked my cheek, but I didn't move. I let the water pound my back before I turned off the shower and stepped out. After getting dressed I blow-dried my hair before throwing it up in a ponytail. I put on a little mascara and some eyeliner before walking out of the bathroom.

"About damn time!" Jess groaned before running past me. I realized that Jade wasn't here. She always gets up earlier than everyone else.

"Good morning to you too." I mumbled as she closed the door behind her.

"Buenos Días, Ela!" Bri beamed. I never understood how she was so happy in the morning.

"Morning Bri." I greeted, smiling. "Morning..." I added before I realized Dee wasn't here either.

"Dee went for a morning run. She said she wanted to clear her head." Bri answered my silent question while neatly placing things in her suitcase.

"Oh, okay. Well I'm going to return something to the Cov' Ops room." I said before grabbing my bag and heading out the door. I walked to Mr. Solomon's office. I knocked on the door before peeking my head in.

"Oh, Ela. Please come in." Mr. Solomon greeted putting his book down. I walked in and pulled out the book from my hand.

"Thanks for letting me borrow the book. It was a very good read." I placed the book on his desk. He sat up and smiled at me.

"Really? You enjoyed it." He asked leaning closer to me.

"Yes. I loved getting the insight on what a real spy was thinking when being on a mission. I liked getting to see how his mind worked and what it's like to be a real spy." I nodded.

"Yes, it's a very insightful book. It shows the dangers and sacrifices spies go through when working on the field." He added looking up at me.

"I know. There are a lot of sacrifices that are to be made when working as a spy, but you should expect that from the beginning." I furrow my eyebrows a bit.

"Yes, that should be expected but it can be avoided." He responded slowly.

"Uncle Joey, what are you saying?" I asked, thoroughly confused.

"I'm asking if you are fully prepared to go to Sub Level Two." He looked me dead in the eyes.

"Are you implying that I'm not prepared to do it? Because I can prove that I can..." I rambled.

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