What Do You Know?

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A month has passed since our camping trip and, honestly, we've been slammed with missions and essays and projects leading up to finals week. With that being said, Tyler and I have not had any time at all to talk about us and what we're going to do once the semester ends. Him saying that I was someone he's afraid of losing me has been floating around in my head non-stop for weeks. Though we haven't spoken much about it, every time we have he's been so honest and open that I'm not entirely sure why I'm so worried about it. But the semester is ending in 2 weeks. So, we're quickly running out of time together.

Speaking of, the week before final week at Gallagher Academy is like every other school. Students are running around practically ripping their hair out. Except we do it in a slightly more civilized manner. I walked slowly down the hallways towards the library. I had most of my books in my backpack and my History book (World Spy History) opened in my hands reading it. Luckily my stealthy spieness helped me be able to read and walk at the same time! It was actually pretty awesome. I finally got to the library. I walked to my normal table. It's a little corner table in the back, that's secluded and the most quiet. I set my book down on the table before noticing someone was already sitting there.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't even notice you were sitting here." I scrambled looking up at him.

"It's ok Snow. You are always welcome." He smiled charmingly at me. I noticed the amount of crumbled papers surrounding him.

"Umm, having troubles?" I asked, waving my hand around the table.

"What?" He asked, looking up at me with his fingers clutching his hair.

"You having troubles?" I asked, grabbing his hand and making him release his hair.

"Um, yea. It's just our German lessons, I'm clearly not good at German." He crumbled up another piece of paper and threw it in a nearby trash can.

"Oh I'm great at German! Would you like some help?" I offered.

"Oh it's fine. You came here to work. I don't want to bother you." He waved me off.

"Oh stop! I offered." I pulled his books towards me.

"If you're sure, I would love the help." He scooted closer to me.

"Perfect." I smiled and opened the book. I helped him through all the practice tests we got, plus worked on flashcards and the written portion of the exam that we're going to have to take. There was a definite improvement from where we started.

"Those were the 4 longest hours of my life." Tyler placed his head on the book. I propped my head on one of my hands and ran my fingers through his hair.

"I know. You have a tough skull to crack!" I teased.

"Hey! I take offense to that." He whined, not lifting his head to look at me.

"Poor Baby." I laughed, taking my hand out of his hair.

"I am not a baby." He sat up and crossed his arms.

"Yes you are. Baby." I said getting closer to him and pinching his cheeks. At that moment the world slowed down and our faces came remarkably closer. I felt his hand reach my waist. My eyes flickered down to his lips. Then back up to his eyes. Our eyes locked and our heads moved closer before we both stopped and turned away. He cleared his throat while I backed away.

"So..." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"I've actually been meaning to ask you something..." I said and his eyes came up to meet mine.

"What?" He asked.

"Do you know anything about the Circle of Cavan?" I asked quietly. His jaw clenched and darkness took over his previously bright eyes.

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